A first choice

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Driver x Party girl

Warnings : None

Why? Why the fuck was this week not ending? My boss was burying me under work, my boyfriend broke up with me 2 weeks ago and I hadn't been laid for months. I was nearly boiling. Out of anger or maybe because I was too horny. Nevertheless, I was ready to rip someone's head off. „Hey Y/N, I was wondering if you would want to come with me tonight. The girls and I got VIP entries for the Blood Diamond. I know you have been busy and haven't been taking care of... certain needs. As your best friend I will drag you there forcefully. I just wanted to be nice first." She grinned as I nodded defeated. She was right. She celebrated her victory by dragging me to a store to buy a dress for me. She chose a dark green number, that was showing off my boobs. Afterwards she got me Smokey eyes and a dark purple lipstick. I didn't look like myself, didn't really like it but kept my mouth shut. She worked so hard on my looks. To keep me from opening my mouth, I drank the champagne she got us at her house. „I got you a little surprise too!" Amy giggled as she pulled me out of the door. I felt like going to prom. A huge limousine stood there, the others already partying inside. Amy pulled me after her. The driver greeted us with a kind smile. He was an older guy, maybe in his forties'. Black hair with white streaks, which filled the sides of his full beard entirely. Tall, blue eyes and a bit chubby under his suit. He was hot. But I couldn't appreciate it because the others were pulling me inside. The ride was loud and filled with more alcohol. A small pole was in the middle of the car, which some of my friends used. We laughed and cheered them on. Yet sometimes my gaze would wander to the driver. He was staring at the road, but sometimes he would look back through the mirror. He wouldn't wander to the dancing girls, but to me, who was sitting the closest to him. His eyes widened every time he realized I caught him, and I swear he blushed a bit. I had to stifle a laugh every time. We arrived at the club, and he helped us out of the car. I thanked him before I was pulled to the entrance. Amy proudly showed the tickets to the bouncer and led us to a booth, a bit higher up. Velvety couches sat around a few glass tables. We had our own bar and bartender. He was cute and got swarmed by my friends immediately. They all were planning on leaving with someone tonight. Be it a fellow clubber or the bartender. After he had a break from all the flirting, he got my order. I wanted a sweet cocktail, but Amy was eager to have a few shots with me as well. „Amy, I can't handle this much! I'll be embarrassing myself!" she laughed at me. „When you're drunk, you have more courage. Come on, you want to get laid, don't you?" I told myself to just have one and then wait, but as my best friend, she knew how to get me to drink. When my drink finally arrived, I was 3 shots in already. When we finally went to the dance floor, I had 2 more. My brain was buzzing with the beat. I swung my hips to the loud music, people bumping into me occasionally. At some point one of the girls had brought another round of shots for us. By the time someone was dancing up to me, I wasn't seeing straight anymore. It was a tall blond guy, who was grinding himself against my ass. We danced for a while, his hands wandering everywhere. At some point Amy had found me again. She yelled over the music, that all the others had already left and that she found her target. I should take the limousine wherever I wanted to go. With a final hug she left. I was getting dizzy and with the false courage of the alcohol I asked the guy if he wanted to leave with me. He grinned, grabbed me by the hip and led me outside. The limousine was standing ready, with the driver smoking a cigarette. He looked at me and then at the guy and gave him a glare. He of course didn't really see because he was way too busy groping my ass. As soon as we sat down, he started kissing my neck. I moaned loudly. „Where to, Miss?" I had already forgotten about him. „There is a good hotel at the 43rd! Drive us there!" another glare landed on the guy.

I didn't know why there was so much traffic this time of night, but we were stuck for a while. We didn't let it bother us. The blond had gotten rid of my panties and fondled my breast. He had a boner, that was straining against his trousers, and I was about to open it, when he nibbled my neck. I halted, moaning his name. „I am glad your friend had a pretty friend with her. First, I wanted to get with her, but you're a good second choice." the driver hammered on the breaks as I screamed angrily. Luckily, we weren't in full traffic anymore. „Second choice? Fuck you, you asshole! Get out of the car! Get lost!" I threw pillows, bottles, and candy at him. He was angry at me now, yelling how I wasn't hot at all and should be thankful he chose me at all. He cornered me and hit me in the head. It hurt badly. The world was turning. Then he was about to slap me again, when he was pulled back by his shirt. Before he could say anything, he earned a punch in the face and flew onto the pavement. „Get lost or I am calling the cops!" he grumbled and yelled at the driver but scurried away. The driver shook his arms, getting rid of the tension. Then he leaned in through the open door, concern in his eyes. „How are you? Does it hurt? Did he do anything else?" I just nodded and started crying. He looked uncertain. In the end he sat next to me and opened his arms. I leaned on him and cried my heart out. What he had said hurt more than the punch. „Everything is going to be okay. I can bring you home or do you want to go to the hospital? That was a mean punch." I just shook my head, smearing my entire make up on his white shirt. Where did his jacket go? Without realizing he had put it over my shaking form. It was too big for me, but that was good. I was feeling cold, and it kept me cozy. When I finally had no tears left, I sat up and tried cleaning up a bit. The driver gave me a handkerchief. „Thank you, Mister..." „I'm David." I smiled „Hello David, I'm Y/N. Sorry for the mess I've made. I'll pay for it." he just shook his head. „It's alright. I've seen worse. One time, a woman found out her man was cheating and threw the whiskey bottle at his head. He needed stitches." we both had to laugh. „You have a beautiful smile." we both blushed. „Well, I guess it's time to get you home. I'll just drive you back where I got you from." I declined. Amy would either be there with her one-night stand and won't let me in or she would be somewhere else. I didn't have a key. And the drive to my place would be way too long, also my car was still standing at work. I sighed, explained the problem, and asked if he could bring me to a motel. He didn't seem happy about it. We started to visit all the cheap ones, but no room was available. After about one and a half hours of driving I was about to cry again. I had sat in the passenger seat and scrolling through my phone. Nothing. No room. No sleep. I was contemplating about sleeping in the car and paying David the extra hours, but he told me no. „I can't let you sleep in here. You need to wash up, get rid of the alcohol in your system and sleep enough." he was quiet for a while and thinking. „Listen, I have a small flat near here. How about you sleep in my bed, and I crash on the couch. I'm free tomorrow and have enough painkillers for an army. You can even lock the door." I don't know if I was too trusting, but I said yes.

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