Grade changing gone wrong

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Professor x Female!Student

Warnings:degradation,toy use, dirty talk

Greenwood was a prestigious university for the elite. Only the richest individuals could get a spot. Of course, some "common folks" got a scholarship, but they were bullied and ridiculed. It wasn't easy. I was one of the spoiled brats, as the professors liked to call us. My father was not present in my life, always on trips and in meetings. So, to compensate his absence he showered me with gifts and money. From a very young age I learned that money ruled the world. My father was also very influential, and I used that to my advantage. A student made me mad; he was written up or in detention the next day. A teacher dared to refuse my work a day after finishing date, he was fired. A commoner told me how to do things, he lost his scholarship and was gone. I loved my power, and everybody knew I was the queen of the school. Nobody wanted to get into my eye, fearing to regret their entire life. Then there was Professor Smith. He had been a scholarship student a while back and had become a professor here after he graduated. He was hot and probably hung like a beast, but that didn't help him. He was the only one who stood in my way. No matter how much I threatened him, he didn't budge. Because of him I had multiple warnings and detention in my files. I hadn't the time to be mad either. I was failing in his classes and my father would kill me if I failed. So, one day, I chose to seduce him. He could either become my pet or I'll blackmail him. I had gotten myself the shortest skirt, that still abided by the dress code. The blouse was buttoned down so my cleavach was there for all eyes to see. All the boys ogled me, undressed me with their gazes, but one glare in their direction and I was rid of them. Professor Smith was standing at his desk, looking though some papers. His head rose as he heard the gasp of some students in the room. He glowered at my outfit but didn't say anything. I sat right at the front and smirked. The whole lecture I opened a few more buttons and let my boobs bounce. He watched me out of the corner of his eyes. I was sure I had him and went to him after class. "Professor, I have a D on my last paper. I can't have it that way." He looked up, then at my paper, scanning it. "Well, the grade is the best I can give you. The answers are nearly all wrong. I was gracious enough." He gave me the paper and started to pack. "I'm sure we can do something about that grade, no?" I let my boobs nearly fall out and played with my hair. He just stared at me. "You could've studied more, miss L/N. Then your grade would have been better. Maybe you should try harder next year." Then he took his bag and left the room, leaving me there dumfounded. But I wouldn't give up. I would get my way. I always got my way. The skirts got even shorter, I wore high heels and the blouses plunged nearly to my belly button. Nobody dared to stop me, nobody dared looking my way. Professor Smith saw me make a show for him. Leaning forward, make my boobs bounce and so much more. All the boys had trouble concentrating, but he just continued like he had no care in the world. And he refused to change something about my grades and slowly I got angry. How dare that commoner treat me like that?

My last move was probably the naughtiest. I didn't wear any panties. I was always sitting right in front of his desk. He could see my pussy on display. It thrilled me, that he knew, that he looked and though I didn't want to admit it, it made me wet. And he saw that too. He was still composed, still calm, but his eyes were gleaming. I thought I had him, thought I could get my goal, but I was wrong. He waited until everyone had left the room and leaned forward. His voice was deeper and made me shiver. "I have concluded that you will do some extra work. Be punctual next week, on Friday. And don't forget your materials. That is your last chance." He was gone before I could protest. But if I didn't go, I would fail his class and I couldn't have that! That bastard gave me no other choice.

Friday had come faster than I thought. The hallways were deserted. Not even the headmaster stayed back on Fridays. Professor Smith was late. I wandered around the room, placing things around and leaning over his desk. A sigh echoed through the empty room as the Professor entered. I had flashed him my full moon. "You had enough detentions to know that you are ordered to sit on your chair. Even when the teacher isn't there yet. But what was I expecting from a spoiled bitch?" I gasped at his words. He was always calm and polite. He was never strict or mean, no matter what bullshit anyone pulled. That man just called me a bitch. I was too surprised to say anything against his command to sit down. He came over to me and ordered me to show him my materials. I had only brought a pen and a notebook. An empty notebook. I never wrote down anything. The others got me all the notes. He tisked as he flipped the empty pages. "Not even a single word. What a disgrace. Even the scholarship students are smarter than you." I protested. He just threw the notebook at my table. "I've had enough of your stunts. I don't care how much money your father has or how much influence you think he can have here, but this is my classroom. You're on my terff and I have decided on a lesson that'll teach you for life." He went over to the blackboard and wrote in huge letters "How to treat a bitch". I was too stunned to speak. "The first mistake to make, is to treat a bitch like a person. She is not. If you give her attention, give her what she wants, you lose. So, you do the opposite. You treat her like a bitch." He went over to his bag and pulled out a book and a ruler. „If you have a bitch in front of you, you need to show her who has the upper hand. In the case of a bitch, it's always you." he slammed the book onto the desk and yelled at me to stand. I was furious with him and screamed profanities. „Stand, bitch." his gaze was calm, yet I could see an inferno behind his eyes. But what was that to me. I was the queen of this university. Nobody stood in my way. I crossed my arms and stared back at him. He slowly leaned forward, eyes burning. „Last chance bitch. Stand up or I'll punish you right this instant." I smiled and stayed seated. „Great. You have proven to me that you're truly a bitch. From this second onward, I'll treat you as such. In here you only are a bitch. No rich brat, no daddy's girl. You're my bitch now." with that he pulled the chair from beneath me and watched me fall. Before I could lash out again, he had grabbed me, pulled me up and pressed against the desk. „Open the book to page 417." I grumbled. The ruler made a harsh sound on the table. I jumped and hurriedly opened the book. „Here comes your punishment for disobeying me. You will read this whole page without stopping or talking back. If you don't, I'll spank you and you'll have to start from the top. Start now!" I hadn't registered that he wanted to spank me until I felt him Lift my short skirt. I hadn't worn my panties today too. The cool ruler felt strange on my skin, and I stopped. Pain seared through my ass as the ruler hit my flesh. „How dare you-„ and another followed. „Stop it!" another came. „I told you the rules. Read without stopping or speaking or get spanked." I started to read again. Half through the page I was fed up and talked back again. The slap was ringing in my ears. How could he do that to me? How dare he do that? Why was he doing it? „Start from the beginning." I understood the concept. Don't talk back, get through with the page so you don't get spanked. But I was irritated. Nobody ever disobeyed my orders. My Butt pulsed and was radiating heat. The cool ruler brought little relieve. I had read nearly half the page again when my legs grew weak for a minute. Only now did i notice how bothered I was. But professor Smith had already noticed the wetness drooling down my legs. „What a slutty bitch you are. Getting aroused by getting your ass spanked by your teacher. What a whore." the names ringed in my ears. I was horny. Why was I so horny? I was the one who wanted to arouse my teacher. He should be on his knees begging to fuck me. Why was I not in that position? A shocked gasp left me as I felt something cool Slide Over my folds. I looked behind me and saw him with my pencil. It was slick and wet. „Truly a bitch. Now, continue reading. We're not done yet." he grabbed the ruler and waited. My mind was racing. I needed to get out of here. I started reading, trying to concentrate on the words. The professor idly traced the ruler over my skin. I was stammering, trying to keep reading and then finally I was done. I sighed, ready to leave when he hit me, but this time with his hand. It stung and it thrilled me. „What was that for?" I turned around and glared at him. „For not wearing panties, little slut." he shook his head. „I am surprised that the precious daughter of mister L/N is so into being humiliated. Your daddy would be so disappointed in you. Knowing you tried to seduce your teacher and then getting wet while getting disciplined." I blushed in embarrassment. „Now tell me bitch, what did you learn?" my fists were balled. „Don't talk back..." he grinned. „Correct. Good bitch. Now get out. Your next detention is next Friday, same time." I stared at him confused. „This was my detention time. I didn't do anything wrong!" he leaned forward and lifted my skirt with his ruler. „Your mistake was to get wet while being punished. You will return. Just so I don't have to send your dear daddy the video." he pointed to a corner in the room. There stood, hidden from any eye, a camera. He had recorded everything. Panic riddled me and my head was spinning. He got me. As I got out of my frozen state, I saw Professor Smith at the door. „Next Friday, same time. Don't be late my little bitch."

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