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Vampire x Lady

Warnings: Mention of Blood, Short Bloodsucking

It had been said, by the old folks of the city, that a monster was lurking in the shadows of the woods. An old Ruin stood beneath mighty trees, that never let a shimmer of sunlight through their crowns. Many curious people had ventured into it and found dead come morning. This was the reason everybody stayed away.

I was never the sweet, innocent, and weak girl everyone thought I had to be. Sit straight, always smile and find yourself a husband. A good one, a rich one. Didn't matter if you didn't love him or if he could be your father. Just marry and live as a submissive object, which follows its owners beg and call. I hated my family for pushing me there. Always wearing tight corsets and planning my life without me. Every party I was tossed around to varies men who could be good suitors. But what else could I do? I had nobody else, nowhere to go and no money. So, I tried my hardest to be acceptably annoying. And then, one night, it happened.
It was another ball, held by a rich noble. He had a son, who apparently had set his eyes on me. He was nearly twice as old as me. And balding. But I followed my parents nonetheless and held my head lowered. They immediately talked about a wedding and that I was good wife material. I kept myself in the far back of our entourage. When nobody was looking, I dashed for the balcony.
"Why, if it isn't Lady Y/N. Just when I was about to talk to you, you disappeared. Feeling unwell?" I wanted to jump off this balcony that instance. Goosebumps littered my body and I felt myself shivering at the sound of his voice. He had no good intentions. "Why Lord Maximilian, I am surprised. I did not think you would want to spent time with someone as uninteresting as me." He laughed, stepped forward and grabbed my arm. He led me down the small flight of stairs and into the garden, which was bordering onto the woods. As soon as we set foot near the tall trees, I felt eyes on me. I began fidgeting and eagerly tried getting my arm free. "Lord Maximilian, I don't feel comfortable near the woods. Please, let us leave." He only smirked. "Do not fret dear lady. I will protect you from the monster. It never dared to even set foot on our grounds. It fears us. So, you do not need to worry." And further we went to the woods. Now I was sure something was staring at me. There was a mighty presence and it started to suffocate me. I was so focused on this presence, that I forgot about the man in front of me. He used this to push me against a tree. The corset was tight, and I had trouble to breath. Now I was frozen and slowly suffocating. I knew that look and what it promised. He was full of lust and desire and, worst of all, he would take it if I agreed to or not. In the end I would be his, because nobody else would want a deflowered girl as wife. My brain snapped out of my trance, and I started to scream. This got him angry. He clamped his hand down on my mouth and with the other he grabbed my throat. I wiggled and fought as best as I could, but he was stronger. In the end he pinned me to the ground and started to rip my dress to get beneath. In the end I gathered all my strength and as he lifted my underskirt, I kicked him in the face. I heard a cracking and a pained groan, but it didn't bother me. The only thing I was thinking 'Get away! Get away! Far away from that man!' That is why I didn't look where I was running to.

The woods were dark and misty. The fog clung to me like glue, making my dress heavier with water. Twigs were snapping behind me and I knew he was gaining on me. I dared to look behind me and tripped. I flew into a clearing. It was gloomy here, the trees' crown was not letting any moonlight through. Nevertheless, I could make a huge ruin out. I had no time to look at it, because hands were wrapping themselves around my throat and pressed me into the dirt. I screamed and thrashed around me, but I could barely do anything. „You Little whore! Do you think I'll let you get away after this? I will own you, degrade you! You will be at my mercy! Mine only!" fabric ripped and cool air on my lower body made me scream out for help. I screamed to anyone who could hear me. Hell, even the monster of the woods would be better than this. But nobody came and I had no strength to keep on fighting this big man. I felt his breath on my neck and the tip of his length at my entrance. He was about to ram himself into me when a shiver ran through us both. It suddenly had gotten colder. Frost was covering the ground, the trees, the ruin and even us. I could hear it freeze. A crackling and hissing, only interrupted by approaching footsteps. I scanned the area hastily and spotted a figure. It was a man. His long red hair flowed in the cold wind. His skin was as white as snow and an awful coldness was surrounding him. My attacker had only stopped choking me when the man stood before us. He was tall and lean in a black coat. He just stared at us, and I had to gasp. His eyes were like burning coals. He was the said monster of the woods. I knew that immediately. Nevertheless, I tried for help. „Please, sir! Save me from this horrible man! He is trying to take my innocence!" tears had been flowing ever since I had run. They came out faster, now that I knew I could lose my life. I was so scared. „Who are you to her?" his voice was like a sharp blade. It cut through the tension like butter. „She will be my wife! I already own her! I can do whatever I want with my belongings! Get lost!" and he tried to push himself in yet again, but before he could even move, he flew and landed against a tree. He groaned in pain. The man looked at me out of the corner of his eye. Then he cracked his neck a few times and readied himself. His nails grew longer, and I could see fangs in his cold smile. My body was slowly draining me from any strength. My head lay on the dirt. Before I drifted off, I saw him pounce the lord and the only thing I could still see was red.

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