A kiss of death

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Ghost x Human bride

Warnings: mention of cheating, description of death

The lock clicked and I stepped inside, the landlady following me in. My small new apartment felt cold and empty. I didn't even know why I had rented this place. I was engaged to my lovely fiancé Brad. We were even looking into buying a house. But my friends and family started to be weary around him ever since the Thanksgiving party at my parents' house. Something had to have happened when I was gone for a bit. Ever since that day they told me to get prepared for getting my heart broken. That entailed opening a new bank account and putting nearly all my money on it. They urged me to hide my promotion as well as renting a new apartment from Brad. They would pay the cheap rent for my old one. They made me promise to keep everything a secret. So, I looked for an apartment near my family and found one. The landlady, Mrs. Ellen, was happy that she finally found someone for this apartment. "So, this is actually my best apartment. As it is on the backside of the building, there is near to no noise other than the birds from the trees next to it. It has wide, open windows and the piping and lights are rather old, so the costs are cheap for you. And the neighbors are all very friendly. And as a welcome gift from yours truly, my sons will help you carry and build all your furniture. They accept a cup of coffee from such a lovely girl as payment." I smiled at her and told her when I could need their help. I felt so guilty for all my actions, but my parents had a 6th sense for things that might harm their kids. And they taught me to listen to their words. They were protective and had proven their sense was right multiple time. For example, they told my sister, that their partner was abusing and gaslighting her. She didn't believe them until he hurt her so badly and got her into emergency care. My parents nearly killed him but would not leave my sister alone in the hospital. They made sure to get police involved and helped my sister testify against him. They also got my brother out of trouble by teaching him of what friends don't do to each other. Their 6th sense has saved our asses many times. And if my family and friends were weary of Brad, I just had to believe them. But I still felt tremendous guilt for deceiving my beloved. He has never done anything to warrant suspicion. But here I was...

The apartment has become my home fairly quickly. But even though I heated the place, and the windows were sealed shut, there were times when I could feel coldness run over my neck and arms. In bed it would be my feet and legs and sometimes a cold streak ran over my cheek, as if someone was tracing my cheek with cold fingers. I just asked the landlady to send someone to check the windows. But they didn't find anything wrong. Nevertheless, they exchanged the window damming. But afterwards it didn't change. So, I lived with it. Months went by and I began to doubt my family for saying anything. Brad took me on dates and trips and was loving the whole time. The planning for the wedding went on smoothly and I was soon buying my wedding dress. As I entered the apartment the coldness hit me again. Even in the midst of summer, it was cold, like a freezing icefield. But as it neared autumn, I just put on the heating and snuggled into my blankets. I enjoyed a cup of hot tea and a series, when I heard a loud noise coming from the bedroom. I grabbed the rolling pin on the counter in the kitchen and snuck to my bedroom. I ripped the door open and yelled a war cry, barging in. But nobody was there. I checked under the bed, in the closet, behind the door and my ensuite, but I was alone. On my way back I stepped on something. I looked down and saw an old pocket watch. I picked it up and examined it. It looked perfectly in shape, but when I looked at it a bit closer, I saw that the watch was made from solid gold. The watch was old, you could see that at a glance, but it was in perfect condition, as if it had been bought new. I hurried to my laptop and tapped in what a gold watch like this could be worth. I nearly choked on my gasp as I read the current market value of an ounce of gold. If the entire watch was made of gold, I could finance myself a new car! It still worked; nothing was damaged. Before I could make any plans of what to do with it, my cellphone rang. It was Brad. "Hi baby, what's up?" "Hey babe, where are you?" I was a bit confused. Did we have a date I forgot about? "I have been ringing your doorbell for 10 minutes now and no answer. I wanted to surprise you. I mean, you said you were home." My heart quivered with guilt. "Oh, no you misunderstood that. I am home. My family's' home. They invited me over. I'm so sorry baby. I'll make it up to you." He sighed and disconnected. That night I went to bed crying. My heart was heavy. When I finally fell asleep, I had a strange dream. I was in my apartment but yet it was different. My furniture was gone and replaced by really old ones. In the big living area stood a leather couch. I walked over looking at the interior when the door flew open. The entire room seemed to shake when the man slammed it shut. He was dressed in a fitted military uniform. He was tall, clean shaven with a well styled hair due. Tears were falling down his cheeks and he seemed hurt, sad and furious at the same time. He let himself fall onto the couch and cried. "How can she do this to me?" he screamed. "Why did they betray me like this?" With rage in his eyes he threw 2 rings on the ground. Now I understood. That poor man got his heart broken on his wedding day. I tried to comfort him, but I couldn't move nor say anything. As I listened to him cry, I heard the radio. They said that faulty pipes were causing damage to properties around a specific part of the city. I looked around and saw a note on the coffee table. It said that on this specific day, the building needed to be evacuated as they were checking the pipes. Suddenly there was a loud crack and I looked up. There was a huge wet spot on the ceiling, and it grew rapidly. I watched it rip and a gush of water, debris and wood fell. The man was hit by a piece of wood on the head and fell backwards. Blood dripped from the wound on his head. I wanted to help him, but I was frozen to the spot. I had to watch water and debris come down on him and flowing through the apartment. A chunk of wood bounced off the ground and cracked the window glass. I realized that a snowstorm had begun. I was frozen to the spot and had to watch in a blur how the ground and furniture and the poor man froze until everything was covered with a thick layer of ice. The apartment was freezing cold. By the change of darkness and light I could tell that the man had been there for 5 days before I heard voices coming through the broken window. Apparently, the entire district had been evacuated because another building had collapsed through those faulty pipes. They broke the door down and gasped. It took them hours to get the ice off him. And I realized, if they had just checked if the buildings were evacuated, he might've been saved. As they carried the solid body out, I got a glimpse of gold bounce of the ground. The watch I had found slithered over the ice and ended in a corner. "Help...I am so cold..." I shrieked and sat up in bed. That was a strange dream. My face hurt and I traced over my cheeks. Tears had fallen and frozen to icy trails. In that instant I realized how cold the room was. "Help...I am so cold..." I whirled around looking through the room, but nobody was there. I snuggled into my blankets and tried to sleep again. But with no luck.

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