Revenge is better served hot

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Friends to Lovers

Warnings: mention of cheating

I sat on the coast. The breeze was freezing cold, but I didn't notice. I felt just so numb. I had too much overtime at work and my manager and told me to go home earlier. He would be at my flat like always. I was giddy to surprise my boyfriend with his favorite cake and burst into my bedroom, smiling happily. My heart shattered as I saw him there, naked in my bed and my best friend bouncing on him, screaming his name. They both froze and he immediately tried to tell me it was not what it looked like. I threw the cake in their faces and yelled at them to get out of my home. They both tried to stop me, but I took their clothes and threw them into the hallway. My neighbors had come already, worried something had happened to me. They all were fuming when they saw my now ex-boyfriend and her, covered in cake and luckily wearing underwear. I told him we were through then and there and punched him. Her I gave a bitch slap. I remember calling Jackson, my childhood friend, telling him what happened and then I just drove around and landed here on the shores. This had been my favorite place when I was younger. Jackson and I had played in the sand or had picnics. And when a boy broke my heart, he was there, comforting me. He knew this was my sanctuary. But I hadn't been here ever since i hadn't seen him. He was such an adorable boy back then. Jackson was tall but thin, making him look scrawny. He also wore the biggest glasses because of his bad eyesight. But he was the kindest man possible, a perfect gentleman. I had a huge crush on him, but never got to tell him. He finally found a girlfriend and when we finished school, they moved away. After that I tried to keep in contact, writing to him, visiting, or hanging out on facetime. But soon I realized that his girlfriend didn't like me. I didn't want to be the reason for his unhappiness, so I told him why I was leaving and would only call him if something happened. Then I left and never called. We both watched the posts on each other's social media, but that was it. He only posted about travels and trips and just once I saw a hand with a big diamond ring. He was engaged. He saw that I had a boyfriend and gotten my dream job. I missed him and today the most. I felt utterly alone. That's why I had called him. I knew he was the only one who would stand on my side, even when we had no contact for years. "You're going to catch a cold. I always told you to bring a blanket for a reason, damn it." A warm blanket fell onto me. I looked up and gaped at the man in front of me. I didn't think he would come for me. No that's wrong. I knew he would come, because that's what he was. Caring. But I expected the scrawny boy from high school. The man in front of me was just as tall as him, but muscular. He had a beard like a Viking and piercings on his ears. And when he shifted, I saw tattoos on his arms and biceps. But what let me topple over was his eyes. Behind those thick glasses his eyes kind of looked like the ones of puppies. Now they were looking straight at me, a piercing gaze with no glasses. "Jackson?" I couldn't believe my eyes. He was fucking hot! "Who else? Do you know how worried I was? I called like 20 times, and you didn't pick up! I thought you were doing something stupid!" I didn't listen to his rant any longer. I threw myself onto him and clung to his warm body. Tears streamed down my face. He quit talking and held me tight. He calmed me down intensely, just like in the past. "Come on now, I'll drive you home." He took my hand and pulled me after him. He pulled my keys from my fingers and situated himself into the driver's seat. I navigated us to my flat. I didn't want to go inside, but I also had nowhere else to go. He led me inside and sat me on my couch. I didn't have to say anything, he put on my favorite show, got me ice cream and started to clean my bed, which was still full of cake. I sat there and watched him. From the couch I could see perfectly through the double door to my bedroom. He rummaged through my closet for sheets, picked up crumbs. Lastly, he picked up my garbage bin and threw pictures of me and my ex into it. I didn't even try to stop him. He looked so angry, looking at our pictures. He was angry for me and got rid of anything that could make me go back and forgive the bastard. I was weak, always had been and as my best friend...he knew that. "Alright pumpkin, tell me what's his and I will throw it out." I shook my head. "It needs to get out of here now. He'll come back when he calmed down and try to manipulate you into letting him in. I know men like him. They won't accept rejection nor a breakup. All his stuff, now, Y/N." I rose from the couch and rummaged through my storage room. There I found old moving boxes and got them out. "I also know him, Jackson. When his stuff is missing, he'll drag me to court. And if he doesn't do that, he'll break in and take what he deems his. We'll pack it in here."

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