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Alex and August had seen everything happen in slow motion. The moment their mate had seen their wolves her face had drained of blood and color. Pale skin, eyes wide in her gaunt face. She was terrified of them. Even more so than before when she had bumped into each other on the streets..

The wolves had watched in horror as she fumbled at the car door, throwing herself from the moving vehicle into the street before the demon could stop her. Watched Binh crash into the car in front of him, as another car ran into their mate. Watched her body get flung into the windshield, over the car and landing on the ground motionless.

They had shifted, run to try and get to her, they could mark her, save her, help her body heal until help could arrive. Instead they had watched Binh move at blinding demon speed and teleport her away from the accident, careless of the numerous witnesses around.

It was like a spell had been broken as their mate jumped from being right in front of them to hundreds of miles away. Alex and August stood still, naked in a now gridlocked intersection. Heard the sirens all over the city from emergency vehicles. Coming to help people who got tangled up in their stupid, reckless chase after their mate.

Alex looked at his brother. Shocked that August had let them be so reckless. He was supposed to be the failsafe. To stop reckless plans from getting a hold. August looked around, a scene had been made. "Get into his car!" August had yelled at Alex. The classic car was only a little damaged from the relatively low speed rear end accident.

August jumped in the driver's seat, Alex in the passenger seat. Driving away in a hurry to put some distance between them and the scene of their very large crimes. Parking the car where they had left their bikes, that thankfully had spare outfits onboard.

Heading back to their home the long way all the way around the city. Going inside, without taking off their boots, or speaking. Both went to the master bed room, packing a road bag with enough for an overnight, they took off after their mate to figure out where the demon had taken her. Hoping it was a well equipped hospital nearby.

Hours later, they had found her. In a hospital several states away. The nurse they found in the ER was new, Alex had used his soft face and August used his gentle, manipulative words to twist the nurse into taking them to their mate under the guise of her being their sister.

Binh had met them at the entrance to the CCU room that housed their mate. Glaring at them before they even arrived. Alex and August were both quiet, they could pick up traces that Marisol had been here. She was either meddling or already starting on damage control. Alex and August shrank under the loaded stare down from the demon. They deserved to feel judged right now. Deserved worse. Alex and August went silent, there was no way to undo the pain and suffering they had caused.

The silence lingered until the twins both felt crushed under the weight of it. "Look at what you have done." The demon's voice sounding like a hateful growl. "She threw herself from my car the moment she saw you two." Stepping out of the way, His arm reaching out and pointing towards their mate. Looking at all of what she had done to herself to try and run from them. The stitches, the bandages, the bruises under her pale skin that were going to get worse before they got better. The cast on her entire left leg, a matching one of her arm from the elbow down. She wasn't even breathing on her own right now. Multiple iv lines stuck into her body. She had not been healthy looking before; They had almost killed her tonight.

While they looked at her, August felt like he had stepped into his darkest fears. The ones he never even wanted to say aloud. A world where he was looking at a grave, the name blurred. Knowing it was his mate and it was his fault she was dead. Then in quick succession nightmares of all of his family, dying in ways he could have prevented with a single different choice. The image of a grave with a name he could not read, and his mate in the hospital bed flashing like a nightmare movie montage.

The Alpha Twins and their Runaway WitchWhere stories live. Discover now