Lost Pacifier

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(Darren POV)

"Come one Justin, please, just let me put your shoe on" I groaned as I fought with Justin to put his shoe on, we were getting ready to leave to get something to eat

We probably weren't gonna actually go in to eat, since Justin, Oliver, and Regie were little. We were just gonna order it to go probably

Justin giggled, giving me his little evil giggle he does (please know what I'm talking about-)

"It's not funny Justin, if you wanna go with dada you have to wear your shoes"

Eventually he stoped fighting and let me put the shoe on, reaching for me afterwards

"See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" I day as I bounce him a little

He cooed as he looked around

"Alright we ready to go?" Ryan asked

Oliver ran into the living room, getting chased by Regie, the two little ones giggling

"We ready Ry-Ry!" Regie shouted

Me and Ryan would be taking the three littles with us to go get some late lunch

We put the little ones in the backseat and Ryan drove while I as in passenger

"Were we goin?"

"Oliver buddy I already told you, were going to get some food" Ryan told him

We were on the way to Taco Bell

Justin started whining so I reached back and gave him a pacifier, Regie also handed him a set of toy keys. Justin happily accepted before screaming and throwing the keys around, making Oli and Regie giggle

Once we got to Taco Bell, Ryan went in to order while I stayed in the car with the babies

"Bear bear?" I heard Regie call


"Wats dat?"

"What's what?"


"The window?"

"Noooo, dat!"

"Buddy that's the sky, you see that everyday"


Oliver giggled

"Yegie silly"

"Dada!" I heard Justin call out, though it was muffled through the pacifier

"Yes love?"

He just cooed and looked at me

I smiled and ruffled his hair before turning back around

It had only been a couple minutes but Regie and Oliver were both ready to go

"Daweeeeenn!! When do we gets to leave?" Oliver whined

"Soon buddy, Ryan has to bring our food and then we can go home and eat"

Oliver huffed dramatically before playing with Justin's toy keys

After maybe 8-10 minutes, Ryan finally came back and got in the car

"Yaaaay!! Ry Ry here!" Regie screamed

Oli cheered as well while Justin giggled , having no idea what was going on

We finally made it back to the house and brought everyone the food back

"Buba!" Oli squealed and ran to Seb

Justin whined in my hold, wanting to get down and play, so I freed him allowing him to crawl over to the toy bin

(Time skip, four hours later)

It was about 6pm now and everyone was just lounging around until Justin came up to me

"Dadaa!" He whined

"Yes?" I looked up from my phone and sat up, getting ready to pick him up


"Where is it?"

Justin just whined, repeating the word paci over and over again

"Has anyone seen his pacifier?" For some reason, each of the littles only had one pacifier

No body said the saw it so I picked Justin up and we went to look for it

"Do you remember where you put it bubs?"

Justin rubed his eyes with his fist and whined

I sighed, this was going to take a while

(Time skip)

After twenty minutes we still couldn't find it. Justin was now crying. Kane tried to wash one of the other littles pacifier off and give it to him, but Justin wouldn't take it. Justin had to have his kitty cat themed pacifier

"Dada Paci!"

"I know baby, just try and tell me where you put it"

He wouldn't answer, and instead cried

"Bear bear I founds it!" Oliver came in while holding Justin's pacifier

Justin immediately stoped crying once he saw it and began squirming in my hold, trying to get it

I took the pacifier and wiped it on my shirt before handing it to him

"Oli where did you find it?" Seb asked

"Yegie was cooking it"

"What do you mean?" Kane asked, getting a little nervous

Oliver ran to the toy kitchen

"Yegie was cooking jusins paci" Oliver innocently said

"Phew" Kane wiped a imaginary sweat from his forehead once we saw that they were just pretend cooking

By now Justin was happily sucking his pacifier and letting his eyes wander around the room

I hoped that now that he has his paci, he would be a little more calm, but I was wrong

Regie got Justin all hyper right before bed time

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