How They Found Out

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(Justin POV)

"Justin!" I heard Oliver yell for the third time

"Just a sec!" I yelled back. I put away my pacifier, quickly hiding in my nightstand drawer. It was rare I got to use it. I shared a room with Darren and we slept in the same bed so I couldn't really use it much.

After putting it away I walked down stairs. We needed to film a video.

"Took ya long enough" Regie said, smirking slightly.

"Yeah yeah" I rolled my eyes.

"For real though, we waited five minutes, what took you so long?" Kane asked.

"Nothing, I was just uh... doing something on my phone..?" I knew that didn't sound too convincing but I didn't have an excuse.

"Alright boys, let's start" Manager Ty said as he walked into the living room where we all were.

-a few days later-

"Yo Justin have you seen my-" Darren walked in on my sucking my pacifier.

I quickly spit it out

I thought I locked the door

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing leave me the fuck alone" I snapped.

"Hey hey hey, chill man. Was it a pacifier?"

"No now go!" I yelled

"I'm not judging you damm" he walked out after throwing his hands up in defense

I sat on the bed and put my face in my hands.

I began crying. Now he'll probably tell the rest of the group and then they'll judge me and make fun of me then I'll get kicked out of the group, I thought as I cried.

After a few minutes a knock was heard.

"Justin? It's Kane" he said from the other side.

"Go away"




I finally gave in and walked sto the door, opening it

"Hey what's wrong love?" He asked gently as he wiped some tears from my face.

"Do you think I'm weird?"

"Oh no honey not at all. Come here" he pulled me in for a hug.

"Why don't you come downstairs, we just wanna talk with you" he asked.

"Do they think I'm weird?"

"No we just wanna have a little talk"

We walked downstairs were everyone was sitting, the group, bae and angel, Tyler.

"Come sit down JP" Manager Ty said.

I sat down at the table where everyone else was

"I'm sorry" I don't know why I was apologizing

"What for?" Oliver asked

I was silent

"It was just a pacifier Justin, nothing to apologize for" Ryan told me

"Right what Ryan Said" manger Ty added

"So you guys don't wanna kick me out...?" I quietly asked

"What, no no no, why would you think that?" Manger Ty asked me

"Well I mean I was sucking on a pacifier... I'm 23 years old and sucking on a pacifier... You guys don't hate me for that?"

"Well I mean I'm assuming you use it to clam down right?" Sebastian asked

Sure I used it to clam down and buy I also used it for my little space, but I wasn't ready to tell them all of that yet

"y-yeah" I mumbled

" See, so I don't see anything wrong with it"bae said

"We all have are ways to calm ourselves down right?"Angel asked

So the guys were all okay with it

The next day, I was lying in bed when Ryan walked in

" Hey" he said as he ploped down beside me

"Mh" I just made a small noise to let him know he wasn't be ignored

"So.. how many pacies do you got?"


"You don't just have one right?"

"I have 2"

"Can I see them?"

"I guess..." I grabbed them from the drawer

"Can you suck them?"


"Aw cmon jus, I think your cute for using pacifiers

"Weirdo" I mummbled before puting the bright red shinny pacifier in my mouth

"Awww you look just like a lil baby"

-a week later-

I remember being deep into little space

"Justin? Where are you-" Sebastian stopped talking once he saw me

I was in a pair of fototie pajamas and sucking on a pacifier, my eyes had gone big, they were doe and innocent. I had bluey playing on my phone which was tossed somewhere, and I was holding onto a half empty bottle of milk

"Justin?" He walked over to me

Kane walked into the bedroom as well

"Wait.... Is Justin an age regressor"

"A what?" Seb asked, confused

" An age regressor, ill explain it in a second, let's just make sure he's okay" Kane said as he walked over to me

"Are you alright little one?" He asked as he rubbed my back

I didn't say anything. I just couldn't come out of my headspace

After a few minutes, Kane explained to Seb what little space was and why I was dressed like a baby, after that, Kane was somehow able to pick me up and carry me to the living room(with a little help from Seb)

I was placed on the couch while they called everyone else in for a little meeting

"What's wrong with Justin?" Oliver asked

After they explained what an age regressor was, they started caring for my needs

I would make little noises and they would all immediately pay attention to me

After a couple more hours, I came out of my headspace and realized what was going on.

Usually, unless I slip under the age of 1 I won't remember anything that happens when I was in little space, but other than that I could remember most of what happened

I somewhat knew that they found out

"Hey bud" Darren said gently as he walked over to me

I swallowed nervously

"Your not kicking me out r-right?"

"Justin we've been through this, were not kicking you out of the group" Tyler said

"And we know about your little space and if you want.. we can be your caregivers" Sebastian said

"I-i" I didn't know what to say

"You don't have to think about it yet, just know that we will always support you man" Regie told me as he rubbed my back

I smiled

"Thank you guys so so much for not kicking me out or think I'm weird and gross" I said, almost tearing up

"Aww it's okay" Bae said, hugging me

"Yeah dude, that's what friends are for, we wouldn't be your friends if we didn't support you" Darren added

I was just happy they didn't think I was gross and weird

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