Sleepy Baby

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(Oliver POV)

It was an off day so none of us were doing anything

Justin slipped into little space a few hours ago and was playing with Regie but Regie had to go do something so little Justin was left to play with himself

"Babababbaaa" Justin babbled loudly, he was in his own little world

"Are you having fun playing baby?" I asked him in a babyish voice

He grinned as he played with a plastic giraffe toy that Kane bought him

"Hey shouldn't he be takin' a nap?" Seb asked

"Hm.. I don't know he doesn't look to sleepy"

Justin made some little baby noises as he played with the few toys we got for him. He didn't have but a couple of stuff animals before we found out but now he has a few toys, mainly teething rings because we found out he likes biting

"It's one in the afternoon, he should take a nap"

"He's being good, I don't think he needs to right now, he's not doing anything" I replied

"Baaaaba!" Justin screamed. He likes saying "baba" for some reason

After a few minutes he tried to get up on the couch so I picked him up. He immediately curled up beside me

Justin babbled to try and get Darrens attention who was sitting by us on the couch

"What?" Darren asked, smirking

Justin grinned and babbled at Darren

After a couple of minutes of Darren teasing Justin, I noticed he kept rubbing his eyes

"Are you sleepy love?"

Justin whined and shook his head, yawning right after

"I think your sleepy" Darren said

"Noo" he whined

However, just a minute late the was dozing off

"Not sleepy my ass" Darren mumbled

"Hey, no swearing around the baby" I scolded, hitting him lightly

Darren just rolled his eyes, looking back at Justin who was already asleep, curled up by my side

Ryan walked into the living room

"Is it nap time?"

"I guess so, help me pick him up so we can take him to his bedroom"

Darren and Ryan both helped me carry him, Darren being slightly stronger so he did most of the work

Once we set him in the bed and tucked him in nicely before placing a pacifier beside him, we walked out, shuting the door behind us

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