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Requested by:oldMacDonald112

(Ryan POV)

The boys have known I'm an age regressor for a little over a year now

When I first told them, I had to tell Justin first. I was so scared they wouldn't accept me that I didn't talk to any of them for three or four days and even slept in my car which made filming pretty hard

It wasn't until Oliver told me that none of them cared that I was a little, that I finally came inside and talked to them

They all told me none of them cared I was a little and even wanted to help take care of me whenever I slipped

The first few days were awkward

None of them really knew how to take care of me until they realized that it was just like taking care of an actual kid


"What do we do with him!?" Regie yelled as he held me

I remember crying, I don't remember why but I know I was upset

"Here" Seb handed Regie a pacifier

The paci was out in my mouth and I stopped crying


I remember the boys acting all surprised that the pacifier made me stop crying

(End of Flashback)

The guys have asked me a few times when I want the stars to know I'm a little

Truth is, I don't know if I ever want them to know

I feel like none of the stars will ever accept me

(A few days later)

(Oliver POV)

"Hello stars! Welcome back"

We were filming another video

We all know Ryan was feeling little today. We convinced him to let us film while he was little. I personally think that the stars who don't agree with Ryan's little space will just have to get over it, or stop supporting all of us entirely

It's not fair to only like certain members of a group and hate one

If Ryan does slip while we're filming then we're just gonna leave it in the video

"So for today's video we will be doing a baking challenge" Seb explained

"And Ryan's gonna be the judge"

Me, Regie and Kane were on a team and Seb, Darren and Justin were on a team

We decided to make some spaghetti

A couple minutes into the challenge I noticed Ryan's eyes went all big and doe, he had an innocent look on his face

I don't think anyone would be able to tell yet, as Ryan's quiet whether he's in little space or not

"Oli?" Ryan looked at me

"Yes love?"

"Wat dat?" He pointed at the marina sauce

"That's the sauce we're gonna put on the spaghetti" I told him in a vocie that would make him understand

He tried to get off the counter so I helped him down

He waddled away over to Justin

The whole time I was cooking, I was thinking about how the Stars were gonna react

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