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(Darren POV)

I realized that I'm pretty much Justin's main caregiver whenever he goes into little space

I was on the bed, cuddling with Justin as we were on our phones.

"Hey Jus?"

"Yeah?" He looked up from his phone.

"Will you ever call one of us daddy?"

(Justin POV)

I wasn't all that surprised by Darren's bluntness

"Do you mean would I ever call one of you guys something other than the nicknames little me has given y'all?"

"Yeah, like since me and oli are the ones that take care of you the most would you ever call us dada or mommy or anything?"

"Well I don't think I would, especially mommy" I chuckled

"But still, would you?"

"Do you want me to call you daddy Darren?" I smirked

"I wouldn't get turned on Justin, I think it would just be cute"

"I don't know..." I don't think I would call one of them dada or anything else besides simple nicknames

The next day

(Regie POV)

Justin was sitting beside me and the couch, he was watching hello kitty while drinking some juice out of a sippy cup.

I was editing a video

He looked at me

"Dada!" He grinned


He giggled and squealed


Kane walked in

"Hey Regie, hi Justin"Kane smiled as he sat by Justin on the couch

Justin giggled

"Uh Regie? You good man?

"Justin just called me dada"

Kane looked shocked

"Well Darren's not gonna be too happy about that"


"last night when I walked by Justin and Darrens room I think I heard them talking about if Justin would ever call one of us dada or mommy but I think Darren wants to be the one being called that"

After Kane got done explaining, Justin looked up at me

"Dada I hunry" he said

"Just a second love"

I wasnt upset or uncomfortable by the fact that he was calling me that or anything but i kinda felt bad since Darren takes care of him the most out of all of us and I know that would upset Darren

"Dadaaa" He wined

I sighed

"Alright bud, what do you wanna eat?"

He put on a cute thinking face for a second

"Ummm..... Peanut an jewwy!"

"Peanut butter and jelly?"

"Yeah dada!" He grinned

A few minutes later, I gave Justin his sandwich, just as Darren walked in

"Tank you dada!" Justin said happily

Darren stoped

"W-what'd he call you?" Darren asked

"Look I know if anything you wanted him to call you that, but I promise I didn't do anything for him to call me dada"

Darren was a little upset but understood

For the next few hours Darren tired to get Justin to call him Dada or daddy but Justin just wouldn't do it

All of us tried to tell Darren that it was up to Justin wether or not he called any of us anything besides our nicknames.

"Cmon Justin" Darren tried

"Dada!" Justin crawled to me.

He would do this every few minutes instead of call Darren dada

The next day, Justin was crying and whining, but he didn't want any of us

"Wan dada!" He cried out

I walked over to him but he pushed me away

Finally, Darren walked downstairs, phone in hand

"Dada!" Justin squealed happily as he clapped

Darren immediately smile since he saw that Justin called him Dada

"Hi baby! Hi!" Darren smiled as he pulled Justin into a tight hug

Justin just giggled and relatedly called Darren

From then on, Justin called Darren dada

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