A Bad Day

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(Kane POV)

I think everyone can admit that today was a long and boring day

We all got home, everyone being exhausted after filming so much

Seb looked like he was on the verge of tears, but I didn't want to say anything to him because I knew I would probably make him cry by asking if he was okay

I saw him go to grab something to drink, but as he was pouring it the cup slipped, causing it to land on the floor and the water went everywhere

"Oh shoot" I got up quickly to help him

As we were cleaning up, I noticed he looked like he was actually crying now

"Hey it's okay buddy. It was just a small spill" I softly said, pulling him in for a hug

"I tiwed" he whined, crying into my shoulder

"Shh, I know Buddy"

"What's going on?" Oliver asked as he walked in

"Seb slipped" I mouthed as I continued to rub Seb's back

Oliver nodded and finished cleaning up the mess

I took the opportunity to take Seb to his room and get him changed into some more comfortable clothes

After changing him into some sweatpants and an oversized hoodie, his cries slowed down. He wasn't crying as much but he was still hiccuping

"It's okay love, why don't we go downstairs and watch some cartoons. Or we can get something to eat?" I gently suggested

He looked at me while rubbing his puffy eyes with his fist, hiccuping a little as he nodded

"Do you wanna get a stuffie to bring with you?"


He got up and opened his closet, opening a little box that was hidden away

He opened the colorful glittery box and grab one of the smaller stuffies

He grabbed a lion stuffie and closed the box



I took his hand and we walked downstairs

I saw he was sucking his thumb so we went back and got him a pacifier

"There's the baby" Justin said in a little voice as he saw me and Seb coming downstairs

This made Seb giggle and run into Justin arms

"Should we order some takeout?" Oliver asked

We all agreed. We made sure to get something off of the kids menu so She would eat

Justin and Ryan played with Seb while waiting for the food

Eventually the food got here and we all ate

I helped Sebastian get ready for bed. I helped him brush his teeth and wash his face

"Are you sleepy yet?"

"No!" He said while rubbing his eyes

"Are you sure?"

"I'm not sleepy!"

I sighed

This was going to be a long night

"At least get into bed?"

"Nooo" he giggled

"Would you get ready for bed if I asked Oli to come in here?"

He stoped bouncing around and looked at me


"Yes, Bubba"

He giggled

I called Oliver into the room and Seb ran to him

" I heard your not wanting to go to sleep"

"I'm not tired" he whined before yawning

Oliver chuckled before carrying Seb over to his bed

We bothed tucked him in and took turns reading him a story before he finally knocked out

I made sure to turn on his little nightlight before closing the door

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