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(Ryan POV)

I took Oliver to play outside

Seb and Justin weren't little, just Oliver

"I wanna play basketball!!" He ran to go get a ball


We played for a while before he got bored

"I done" he threw the ball down

"Then what do you wanna do now?"

"Hmm" he put on a little thinking face

I waited for a good minute or so before he finally said something

"Tag!" He giggled and touched me before running

"Aw come on!" I knew it was going to be a while before he would get bored of it, he really likes tag

I chased him around, pretty much going in circles before he ran to the basket ball court and fell

I ran up to him, already knowing he would cry

He scraped his knee pretty bad

"Owww!!!" He screamed, crying as he put his hand over the scrape

"Let me see bud" I looked at it

"Come on, let's go inside and get cleaned up" he sniffled

"Can we watch c-cartoons?"

I helped him up

"Yes but first we need to get you a bandaid okay?"

"Otay" he held my hand as we walked inside the house

"What happened oli?" Kane asked

"I fell" he sniffled

"Aw I'm sorry love" Kane ruffled Olivers hair

"Heres some bandaids" Seb handed me a few different bandaids, each having some sort of cartoon character on it. He also handed me some ointment

"Sit down for me" Oliver sat in one of the chairs at the kitchen table

He was gonna let me clean up the wound at first, that was until he saw Regie


We all looked at him, wondering what was wrong

"Wan yegie to do it"

Regie got off the couch and walked over to us

"You want me to help you?"

Oliver smiled and nodded his head

(Regie POV)

Ryan was going to put a bandaid on Oliver but as soon as Oliver saw me his wanted me to do it

"Which one do you want?" I showed him the different bandaids

"Dat one" he pointed to the one that had bingo on it(A/N I just really like Bluey)

I rubbed some of the ointment on the scratch before opening the bandaid on gently putting it on

"Yay!" He clapped his hands

"All done" he got up and I threw away the paper from the bandaid

He ran over to the couch to sit by Darren and watch cartoons

He was okay now

A/N: I already had this done a few days ago and wanted to post it

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