A Day In The Life

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A/N: this is just gonna be how the littles act on a daily basis

(Kane POV)

"Stop calling me that!!" I whined

Darren was making me mad by calling me "Kandy Kane"

"Nuthin you can do bout it Kandykane!" He stuck his tongue out at me

(Tyler POV)


Darren stopped to look at me

"You know Kane doesn't like it when you call him that"

"Sorry" he turned back to face Kane

"I guess I sorry Kane"

I sighed

Good enough

(Ryan POV)

me and Seb were the only ones that weren't little

Justin was teething, so he was biting everything

"Ow!" Seb pulled his hand away from Justin


"He bit me!"

I looked at Justin. He was staring at me with inncoent eyes, as if he didn't almost make sebs hand bleed

"He's just a baby" I said, paying attention to Regie who was talking about a cat he saw on tv, but the way he was describing it I'm pretty sure it was a bear

Oliver ran in

"Yegie yegie yegie!" He ran and hugged him

Even when Regie was in little space he was still pretty much Olivers caregiver

"Oli oli oli! They jumped

Justin babbled, almost screaming

I managed to pick him up a little and sit on the couch with him in my lap

He pulled my hair


"Heys just a baby" Seb said in a mocking tone

(Tyler POV)

after a couple hours all seven of them were little

"Ty Ty!" Kane ran to me

"What's worng?"

"Darrens being mean!"

"Darren!" I called Darren over


"We're you being mean to Kane?"

"No! Kanes just a baby!"

"No I'm not!"

The shouting caused Justin to wake up

Not even two seconds later Justin was crying as loud as possible

Bae walked over to him to soothe him and let him go back to sleep

"Darren go to timeout"

He stomped his foot

"Darren.Now" I said in a stern tone

He looked down as he walked over to the nearest corner

"And once I tell you to come out I want you to to apologize to each Kane" I told him

After about 5 minutes I let Darren come out

"Now you to need to apologize"

Neither of them spoke

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