Over Worked

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(A/N This is kinda angsty and a little inspired by one fo their newest videos)

(Justin POV)

Oliver hasn't been in little space in a while, he's been working a lot

When we slip into little space it's to relieve stress and to calm down, but Oliver hasn't been doing that

Lately he only comes out of his room to eat or to film videos, but other than that he's been in his room all the time

He shares a room with Regie, so there's been multiple times where Regie has tried to get him out of the room or to just simply take a break but Oliver won't listen to any of us, not even manger Ty Sebastian

I decided to make him a sandwich and some water and then headed up to his room

I knocked on his door before hearing a faint "come in"

"Oliver, you need to eat"

I put the plate on the desk

"Later" he mumbled before pushing it away

"Please oli, you need a break. You've been working nonstop for at least two weeks, you hardly even eat anymore, you haven't been in little space in a while, and you barely come out of your room, you need a break"

"I'm just trying to help the group, I'll eat later Justin just go" he said with out even looking at me

"Oliver, you need to at least eat"

"And I said I will later" he said, now looking at me

Seb walked in after knocking

"Oliver please take a break" Seb said

"I will later now y'all get out of my room" he said before looking back at his computer

Regie walked in with everyone else

"Oliver, I'm telling you now, you need to take a break. Now get off of the computer and eat something" Tyler sternly said

"I will later now all of y'all get out of my room!" He started shouting

"That's it" Regie picked up Oliver and threw him over his shoulder, causing Oliver to yell and punch Regies back

Regie took him downstairs, us following

"What the fuck was that for!" It was rare so here Oliver swear, so when you did you knew he was mad

"Because, for the last two weeks you've hardly ever came out of your room, you barley even eat, you only come out for your room to film and then you go right back to the room, and you've been working all.the.time,you need to rest, at least slip into little space for a while" Seb said

Oliver looked at the ground

"Please Oli, take a break" I said

Kane sat on the couch beside Oliver and rubed his back

"You don't have to slip into little space but at least eat something and stay in here with us for a while" Kane ruffled Olis hair

Oliver slowly looked up

I saw his eyes go all inncoent and his gazed softened a bit

"Yegie?" He whispered quietly before reaching for Regie

Regie smiled and picked Oliver up, siting on the couch and placing oliver in his lap

Oliver started crying

(Regie POV)

once I saw Oli start crying I immediately tried to calm him down

"Shh shh shhh" I bounced him a little bit

"It's alright buddy, you didn't do anything wrong" he laid his head down on my chest, still crying a little

"I'm s-sorry" he hiccupped

"Hey your not in trouble love" Ryan gentley said

After a few minutes Oliver had finally stopped crying and we got him something to eat. After he ate, we all sat in the living room together

"I wanna watch cartoons" Oliver said, looking at me with his big brown eyes

"Sure buddy" I turned on some show the boys like watching when their little, surprisingly Seb and Justin weren't regressed

"I don't want you to ever overwork yourself like that again, okay?" Tyler told him

"Okay" he softly replied

After dinner Oliver took a shower and then we laid in bed together

"I'm sorry for not taking care of myself" Oliver whispered, his eyes closed.

He wasnt in little space anymore

"It's alright, no one is mad, just try to take care of yourself always, mentally and physically" I told him

"I just want to be a good leader for you guys"

"But you already are, your the best leader oli"

He smiled

"If you really think so. I'll start making sure to take better care for myself"

"You're the best leader Oli, all of us know so"

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