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(Kane POV)

Justin was being really hyper so I thought I mind as well take him to play outside to hopefully get rid of some of his energy in hope that he'll wanna take a nap later

"Justin buddy, come here"

Justin stoped paying with his toy and looked at me

"do you wanna play outside love?"

He grinned and got up, running to me

I smiled

"I'm taking Justin outside!" I yelled so the boys would know where Justin was

I heard a few "okays" and deiced to go ahead and take him out

When we got outside, Justin immediately ran to the basket ball court

"Pway basket ball wit me Kane?" He asked

"You think you can win?" I teased him, smirking

He started messily dribbling the ball

"I can win!" He shouted

"If you say so" I grabbed a ball

After about 20 minutes he decided he didn't want to play anymore and tied to run to the pool

(A/N. I'm just gonna pretend like their in one of their old houses)

"Woah woah woah, Justin!" I grand the back of his shirt right before he could fall into the pool. I know he knows how to swim but I don't think he can while being little

Justin giggled

"Its not funny, you could've got hurt buddy" I lightly scolded him

He whined and tried to run away

I sighed but let him go

For the next few minutes he was running around, we were pretty much playing tag. We were having fun until he screamed and began crying

I ran up to him

" What's wrong!?"

"spider!" he cried and hugged me, looking down at the ground

"Aww buddy it's just a jumpy spider, it's not gonna hurt you" I tried to calm him down

Darren walked outside

"What's going on?" He asked, walking over to us

"Dada!" Justin whined and ran to Darren, squeezing him into a big hug

"Aww buddy what's wrong?"

"Spider!!" Justin screamed

"It was just a jumpy spider love, like I said its not gonna hurt you, I'm pretty sure its already gone" I tried to make him feel better

"See, Kane said it wouldn't hurt you. Why don't we go back inside and cool off?" Darren asked with a small smile as he rubbed Justin's back

Justin sniffled but nodded

I honestly thought he got over his fear of spiders but I guess not

We walked inside and Justin ran to the couch

"What's wrong with him? He looks like he was crying" Oliver asked

"He saw a spider and got scared" Darren explained

" I'm gonna go get him some juice" I said, walking off into the kitchen

(Darren POV)

"Justin, what did ty say?"

Justin huffed and jumped one last time so he could sit down.

He puffed his cheeks out and crossed his arms, pouting

"He says no jumpin on da couch"

"That's right, so stop jumping please"

Justin gave me a smirk, I knew what he was gonna do. He started jumping on the couch again

"Justin! Listen to dada and stop jumping the furniture!"I yelled, regretting it afterwards

His eyes swelled up with tears. I've never actually yelled at him. He began crying, he got off the couch and ran to Regie

"Yegie yegie! Dada mean!" He cried, tugging at Regies shirt

"How's dada mean?" He asked gently

I sighed

"I just yelled at him because he wouldn't listen, I didn't mean to" I explained

"See buddy, Dada wasn't trying to be mean, he just wanted you to listen"

Justin whimperd and wiped his tears

"I'm sorry for yelling at you love but you need to listen to dada and ty"

"It Otay dada!" He ran to sit the kitchen to see if his juice was ready

After a while Justin eventually fell asleep while resting his head don my shoulder

I hoped his fear of spiders would be gone soon.

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