He shook his head, closing my fingers around the key, "I have some things I need to do. Go inside and get some rest Coraźon," he said softly, the stupid nickname making my heart beat faster in my chest.


He cut me off with a kiss, his lips sealing mine and fingers gripping my chin. "Don't argue with me right now. Please," he begged with his eyes. "Go inside, Jade." He told me again. "I'll be home soon."

I sighed, picking up my purse and hopping out of the car. He watched me walk up to the door and drove off when I stepped inside and closed the door behind me. I sighed again, dropping my bag on the first surface I saw and dropping onto one of his couches.

I dialed Alyssa the phone picking up after five rings. "Jade?" she answered the phone, almost out of breath.

"Hey, I'm back in Las Vegas," I scratched my head.

"What, so soon? I thought you had a few more days left in paradise."

"We did, but due to something coming up at work we had to come back abruptly," I explained to her, not willing to go into the muddy details. "How's Daisy, has she been giving you a hard time?"

"Not at all, can I keep her? She's so precious, makes me want to have my own," I could hear her pout from the other side of the phone.

"Not a chance in hell." She laughed at my response making the corner of my lips flip up. "Don't tell anyone but I'll probably stay at Reid's house for a minute. It seems I have a stalker."

"Oh wow, I'm so sorry Jade. Is it the same guy who chased you with his car?"

"Yeah," I nodded my head, "I think so. Anyway enough about me, I haven't heard much about you. How have you been?"

"Living." She replied. "I've gotten a few new clients in the gym and collaborated with those influencers I met at Jess's event. Things have been pretty good so far."

"That's good to hear," I gnawed on my bottom lip. "Is it okay if I pick up Daisy tomorrow? I'm exhausted."

"Yeah, sure no problem. Just let me know when you're on your way."

"Alright thanks," I ended the call and threw my phone on the couch. I had fought off sleep long enough. A heavy wave of sleep overcame me and my body went limp as my eyes shut closed.



I moved in my sleep, wiping my face and turning over on my side.

"Hey, baby, wake up," a deep voice sailed through my ears.

I blinked my eyes open, my vision slightly blurry. Reid's tired eyes were the first thing I saw. "Hello?"

"I brought home some food. Are you hungry?" he said softly.

I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Yeah," my stomach grumbled, the smell of Chinese food floating in the air. He placed the cartons of food on the center table before me and sat down beside me. I still felt groggy as I reached for a carton of lo mein and some chopsticks.

Reid ate quietly behind me, shoving fried rice in his mouth. I hadn't realized I was sleeping for so long, the sky pitch black from my view of the glass windows. "Where did you go all day?" I mumbled, stealing some of his fried rice.

Reid ran a hand down his face, "I had to meet with a friend of mine. Hopefully, he can help us out of this mess."

"Jet?" I recalled the guy he was talking to on the phone.

Reid nodded, "He works better at getting information than any detective or private investigator can. He's building a case for us." He dropped his carton on the table and laid back into the cushions of the couch, shutting his eyes.

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