Chapter 14

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"You're going to be disappointed in me," I hid my face in my hands

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"You're going to be disappointed in me," I hid my face in my hands.

"Why would I be disappointed in you?"  Regina scrunched her eyebrows. "Nothing you can say will make me judge you. This is a safe space, Jade."

I took a deep breath, "it's about Reid."

"Did you talk to him?"

I bite down on my lip, "No, we kept getting distracted." My cheeks flamed, shame washing over my features.

Flashes of my body pressed up against Halle's door and Reid's fingers pumping in and out of me at Dylan's club crossed my mind. Heavy breathing and filthy words whispered haughtily in my ear. I shook my head, shooing the thoughts away.

"No worries, these conversations can be hard and can take some time. When you get the chance, pull him aside so you can have that heart-to-heart. I'd like to hear more about your family and friends. The people you surround yourself with." She leaned forward, interested in what I had to say.


After my therapy session was over I met Jess for dinner. It was one of his last weeks in Nevada. He was off to Paris to resume business, expanding his fashion brand. I walked through the restaurant doors and was greeted by a woman, her hair tied with black silk. I gave her Jess' name and followed her through the sea of clothed tables.

Jess sat at a table near the back of the restaurant, away from the windows. I guess he took precautions after the two of us were sighted having lunch another time. Rumors of the two of us dating dominated the press for weeks.

"Hey stranger," I grinned, greeting him with a hug.

"Always a pleasure seeing you Jade," he flashed a white smile. We took our seats, picking up our menus. Our waiter took our drink orders and left us to ourselves.

"How have things been in your life? I haven't seen you in a while, I feel like I'm missing out," I pouted.

"Trust me, you're not missing out on anything. I've been working on some new designs and my father has been provoking my nerves while doing so. See nothing new," he smiled tightly.

"Is Daddy Dearest still trying to find you a bride?" The corner of my lips flickered up.

Jess sent me a glare, his hatred for his father's nickname showing on his features. "Yes," he continued. "I took your advice and told him I had a blushing bride waiting for me in Paris. He insisted we marry in six months but I convinced him to give me two years."

"And what happens when those two years are up and he finds out the blushing bride doesn't exist?" I lifted a brow. The waiter sat our drinks down in front of us and took our orders before leaving again.

Jess shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his drink. "I have two years to find out."

I shook my head laughing, "You're playing a dangerous game here Jess."

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