Chapter 2

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"You saw Reid again and you didn't tell me," Alyssa gasped dramatically, holding a hand up to her forehead

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"You saw Reid again and you didn't tell me," Alyssa gasped dramatically, holding a hand up to her forehead. "You never tell me anything, are we even best friends?"

Erica giggled from her corner of the couch. "I can't believe he offered you a job. He must've really missed you."

"He didn't miss me," I shrugged my shoulders. "If he missed me he would've contacted me years ago or chased after me when I bumped into him again. This is just business." I told them.

"Jade, did you see the number he's willing to pay for you? He 100% missed you, that's way above an average salary. I would take the job too if I was getting paid that much. I don't blame you."

"Well, I'm not going to forgive him or interact with him outside of the job if forgiveness is what he's looking for. I'll go in and do my job and then go home." I said more so to myself. I wasn't going to let petty emotions get in the way of this opportunity. No matter how much I wanted to strangle him every time I saw him.

Alyssa and Erica shared a look. I raised a brow curious to hear what their silent conversation was about. "So you were about to send the email huh," Alyssa jumped off the couch and grabbed my laptop. She opened it and thrust it into my hands. "Don't let us stop you."

I set the laptop down and typed in my password. Erica and Alyssa crowded me while I sent Reid a brief email, notifying him that I accepted his job offer. I pressed send with a shaking finger and immediately closed my laptop afterward. "Alright, let's go watch a movie now," I spun around, making a beeline to my couch.

The girls joined me and sat down on either side. I inhaled a breath as I clicked on Netflix and turned on the first movie I saw. I sat back while Erica and Alyssa giggled and gossiped the entire movie about a certain actor in it.

I however couldn't concentrate on anything as my email ran over and over in my head. I avoided looking at my phone in fear of the next notification being Reid's. I knew it was late but I kept my phone at a distance just in case. I will check my email tomorrow morning.

Said morning I picked up my phone that had been charging on the nightstand and opened my email. I inhaled sharply when WilliamsCo's e-mail sat at the top of my inbox, a message waiting inside. I clicked on it and skimmed over the words on the screen.

Good morning Miss. Silvia,

I'm glad you took up my job offer. I will give you two weeks to put your notice in and prepare for your position here as our Civil Engineer. Please let me know a date you are free so we can meet about your salary, and position, and go over the paperwork.

- Reid Williams

I blew out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and dropped my phone on my bed. This was really happening, it wasn't a bizarre dream that my brain created. I picked up my phone and began typing a response.

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