Chapter 28 Confessions

Start from the beginning

Jaune then explains everything about Aura and Semblances which Lord Shuzen ponders about

"So this Aura is basically her soul acting as a protective barrier which for Yokai it increases how beautiful or handsome they are?" Lord Shuzen asks

"Yes sir that is correct and as for Semblances it can be anything but it will only be unique for the individual who unlocks them" Jaune says

"I see I also heard from Kokoa that you did some sort of training in a strange room" Lord Shuzen says

Jaune pulls out the capsule in his pocket

"Yes sir this capsule contains a door to a training room where one year in the training room is equal up to an hour out here so for the school break that Yokai academy has myself the newspaper club Ms Nekonome Ageha Tsuara Kokoa and my friends from my home dimension all trained for 18 years in the training room" Jaune says

"And you did that during the school break" Lord Shuzen says

"Yes that right but while we are talking out here I would like to ask your permission on something" Jaune suddenly says in a serious tone

"What is it?" Lord Shuzen asks just as serious

"I would like to ask for your permission to date Moka and Akashiya" Jaune says while looking straight at Lord Shuzen

Lord Shuzen stares into Jaune's eyes

"You want to ask me to allow you to date my daughters?" Lord Shuzen says seriously

"Yes sir" Jaune says seriously

"Explain why I should let you date them" Lord Shuzen says

"Because I love them not for their race or that they are the princesses of a vampire lord but for what is shown inside them as I believe that a person's true personality comes from within not on the outside" Jaune seriously says

Suddenly said two vampire girls jump onto Jaune knocking him to the ground

"Moka, Akashiya?" Jaune asks as he looks at the two girls

"We heard everything Jaune" Moka says

"Is it true that you really love us no matter what we are?" Akashiya asks

"Yes it's true girls" Jaune says with a genuine smile

Moka and Akashiya both kiss Jaune on the lips

"We love you Jaune!" Both girls say

Suddenly an unwanted voice is heard

"There you are you ungrateful disgrace!" A familiar voice says

Getting up from the ground Jaune sees his ex father mother and sisters

"What do you want Nicholas and you nine are really dumb to even be close to this academy" Jaune says

"And why is that?" Juniper asks

"Because any humans unless allowed by the headmaster is sentenced to be killed by the Yokai of the academy" Moka says as she stands by Jaune as does Akashiya

"We will not leave until you get Arcadia's power back on!" Saphron shouts

"Heh I figured you would say that... So Lord Shuzen Moka Akashiya be prepared to see something I never showed anyone other then the people before you that will completely shock all Yokai" Jaune says as he brings out a familiar sword that his ex family knows

Jaune then grows to a giant which several more giants appear next to him

Jaune then grows to a giant which several more giants appear next to him

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"What is this?!" Lord Shuzen shouts

"I'll explain in a moment Lord Shuzen.. *looks at ex family* now you got five seconds to go back Nicholas or I will force you to go back" Jaune says loudly

The arcs do not move

"So be it" Jaune says as the knights next to him unleash their power which injuries the family

Returning to normal a Grimm portal appears which Salem comes out of

"Thanks for coming great grandma" Jaune says

"Anytime sweetie now Nicholas Juniper you all will return now" Salem says as she commands several Grimm to pick up the injured family which walk through the portal

"I'll see you another time Jaune sweetie" Salem says as she leaves through the portal

"Anyway sorry about that Lord Shuzen that was well my ex family but let me explain about the power I used" Jaune says as he explains about the power

"That is some power you got Jaune" Kurumu says as she walks over to the four with Mizore Yukari Shizuka and the psc members

"How come you never showed this power back at Beacon Jaune" Cardin asks

"Before he answers we got something we wanna say to Jaune" Mizore says

"And it's important too" Yukari says

"I'll say this now it is allowed but we can only show affection off campus" Shizuka says

Jaune is soon told that Kurumu Mizore Yukari and Shizuka love him

"I love you girls too but I should come clean about what happened during the beach trip a few weeks back" Jaune says

"What do you mean" Mizore asks her now boyfriend

"So when Cardin and I went to get drinks for everyone Cardin told me you girls may have feelings for me as I was unlucky with the ladies at my old academy" Jaune says

"No kidding... no offense Jaune" Coco says

"None taken Coco but anyway after he told me that I decided to fake getting injured by Ruby because I wanted to see how far you girls would have gone if I was to be hurt in battle despite my invulnerability to never lose a battle" Jaune says as he reveals what he really did back then

"So you was testing us to see if we would go the extra mile for being in a situation where you are hurt and wanted to know if we truly cared for you" Yukari says

Jaune nods his head

"Of course we would go the extra mile Jaune we love you dearly" Kurumu says without a doubt

"I can see you have quite a bit of girls to attend to so I will leave now... And young Jaune" Lord Shuzen says

"Sir?" Jaune responds

"I give you permission to date my daughters but if I hear you caused them heartache you will suffer a vampire Lord's wrath" Lord Shuzen says before he leaves

"Well is classes still going on Ms Nekonome?" Jaune asks

"No they ended a while ago as you was talking with Lord Shuzen" Shizuka says

"Then let us continue our after school activities before we return to our dorms" Jaune says as everyone present nods

Heading to the newspaper club and the psc room Jaune works in both to ensure he is still a member in both

Time passes before everyone retires to their dorms to rest for tomorrow


Shadow here with the next chapter and I'm sorry for the late update to the story but I hope this makes up for it

Anyway I'll see you all in the next chapter


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