Chapter 14

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           As she walked through the doors of her apartment, her heart was heavy with emotions. The events of the previous night had left her feeling confused and disoriented. But, as she stepped inside her familiar abode, a sense of relief washed over her. She had never felt so grateful to be back home, where she could finally let her guard down and be herself.

           As soon as she stepped into the shower, she could feel the warmth of the water seeping into her pores, bringing a sense of comfort and relaxation. The steam enveloped her, and she closed her eyes, letting the water flow over her body. She rubbed her skin gently, feeling the grime and stress of the previous night melt away.

           She lingered in the shower, savoring the sensation of the water cascading over her and the sound of it echoing in the small bathroom. With each passing moment, she felt lighter, as if the water was washing away all the negative emotions weighing her down.

            Once she was dressed, she made her way to the kitchen and grabbed a quick breakfast of milk and cereal. She wasn't particularly hungry but knew she needed to eat something to fuel her body.

           After she ate, she retreated to the safety of her bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. She spent some time evaluating how badly she had embarrassed herself.

          She fell in and out of sleep. She would start drifting off and then wake with a bolt as thoughts started racing in her head. They were loud and wild, coming at her from every direction. Her head felt like a crowded train station.

She managed to fall asleep briefly. A dream started to take form in her head but dissipated when the sound of her phone vibrating against the nightstand flooded the room.

She opened her tired, bloodshot eyes and stared at the device with discontent. She might shoot it if her gun was nearby. All Annika wanted to do was sleep until the pain in her heart went away.

With a huff, she pushed herself off the bed and snatched up the buzzing phone. The name on the screen lifted her spirits instantly, but then a feeling of dread leaked into her stomach like black poison.

"Hi, Mom," she answered.

"Hello, sweetheart. How are you? Your sister told me you got injured last night."

The worry was thick in her mother's voice. It made Annika feel even worse about herself. In her desperate attempt to prove that she didn't need anyone's help to overcome her troubles, she overlooked the feelings of the people who loved her.

"I'm fine, Mom. It's just a cut. It's nothing serious."


Annika knew that tone. It was the same tone she had used when Annika told her she wanted to join the army. It was the same tone she had used when Annika told her she was joining the police force. Her mother was worried about the decisions Annika was making in life, and Annika had a suspicion she knew precisely what her mother was bothered by.

"Honey, Alice and I had a long discussion about you earlier today."

"I wonder what it could be about?" She rolled her eyes. "Mom, I don't have a drinking problem, and I didn't try to steal her boyfriend. Her boyfriend is a psycho who stalks people."

She pulled in a deep breath and exhaled. Her heart was struck by severe pain as she began thinking about Rio again.

           She shook her head as if she could chuck the image of him from her mind that way. Whatever happened between them was over. It was time to forget the insane romance that had no chance of blossoming into anything and return to building her life before everything fell apart. She had to get a hold of herself.

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