Chapter 27

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          The energy in the backstage area grew more electric as preparations for the show commenced. The stage crew was frantically shouting and conversing, trying to get everything in place for the start of the performance. The lighting technicians were tweaking the lights, and the sound engineers inspected every speaker. Everything had to be perfect. When the stars stepped out on the stage, they had to shine. Every word they sang had to be heard by every eager fan.

          Backstage, artists and their entourages filled the dressing rooms, getting ready for their respective rehearsals. The staff was running around, trying to get everyone everything they needed, from water bottles to towels to last-minute costume adjustments.

          It was Rio's concert, but it was much more than that. There were so many artists performing. There were multiple dressing rooms, and countless staff members were buzzing around. Despite the chaos, everyone was working together like a well-oiled machine. They were all focused on making the show a success.

         Rio, Annika, and Rio's staff arrived seven hours before the show. To ensure that everything ran smoothly during the concert, Rio and the other artists would practice on the stage beforehand to work out any kinks.

          Excitement surged in Annika, but she couldn't help but feel out of place. It was hard to grasp every reason behind everything happening around her. Her brain was struggling to keep up. Despite this setback, Annika felt determined to learn as much as possible. She wanted to become a part of Rio's entire life and to be able to understand everything he endured as an entertainer. With this in mind, she watched and listened closely.

         As she sat amid the chaos, taking in the circus, a nagging feeling started to gnaw at her conscience. She wasn't sure what it was at first. It distracted her from the excitement unfolding around her. Her stomach twisted violently every time she felt it surging in her heart. It was a mixture of grief and fear. With every passing moment, this fear grew more fervent. The worry was rising. Her heart raced with the dread of being separated from someone she had known all her life. Every ticking second meant she was drawing closer to the end of this story. Her only hope was that Alice would wake up and realize the errors of her ways.

"Hey, detective. Come here."

She looked up at Rio, then at his hand, waiting to collect hers. A feeling of eagerness and apprehension slithered into her. She took his hand and helped her off the chair with a gentleness that made her feel like a fragile goddess.

"You okay? You look bored," he said.

"A little."

"Okay. Come with me."

"Where?" she asked.

"You'll see." He placed a hand on the small of her back. She was eager to find out as she followed his lead.

"Ready, Rio!" someone called.

Rio eagerly gave a thumbs-up to a man fumbling with an earpiece. Annika knew precisely where they were heading. As they drew closer, the thumping beat of the music grew louder and more vibrant, filling the air around them. The sound crew was still hard at work, testing and adjusting the volume and clarity of the massive speakers that towered above the crowd.

         As the man donned his earpiece, he announced to the crew that Rio was en route to the stage. The atmosphere was electric even though there was no audience waiting out there.

        Imagining the moment when the thick curtains at the top of a narrow steel staircase would finally unveil Rio to an eagerly awaiting crowd, she couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. Annika pictured the roar of the crowd as they caught their first glimpse of the star and the thrill of being in the presence of such a captivating performer. She never realized how lucky she was until that moment. Rio was hers.

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