Chapter 33

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           After the extraordinary start to his performance, Rio was going through his songs like clockwork. The ninth song was about to begin. There was a buzz in the air, eager faces stared at the stage as the lights came back on. The crowd started cheering and screaming. A loud applaud welcomed Rio and his dancers back on the stage.

           Annika concentrated on the fog machines as thick smoke began streaming out the nozzles, quickly turning a bright purple shade under the purple lights. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Alice fish her phone out of her tote and look at a message. Taking the clue, she typed a message of her own to Matt. Something was about to happen!

She leaned close to speak into Alice's ear. "How many songs is he doing?"


"What is..." Her voice was cut off by the resounding explosion of gunfire.

Annika forgot how to breathe as panic consumed her. She turned to look at the crowd. They hadn't quite registered what was happening around them until a second shot pulled them from their daze. Hysteria washed over them as they finally realized what terror was unfolding around them.

           Alice made a sprint toward the stage, blasting past the security personnel who were racing to the stage. Annika did the same. Her heart was pounding inside her ribcage. She couldn't lose track of Alice. Rio's life depended on it. She removed the radio from the inside pocket of her jacket and radioed Matt. It was time to get moving.

           She climbed the tricky steps as security personnel pushed past her. Another gunshot sent the crowd into further panic. Over the dead silence that had fallen over the arena, the sound of fear emerged. The audience was racing toward the exits, pushing and shoving, trampling over each other. It was mayhem. The mysterious man had foreseen it perfectly.

            Annika looked through the bodies jutting in front of her, grabbing at singers and dancers and musicians to get them off the stage and to safety. She couldn't see Rio. He was gone! Her eyes singled out Alice as she spun around in search of the superstar. The confused expression inscribed on her face told Annika that Alice had no idea where Rio went either. Annika's heart skipped a beat, her bladder suddenly felt full. She now understood why Ronin was on the stage. Rio was safe for now. His brother in music had made sure he was.

           Annika kept her focus on Alice as she sprinted toward the opposite end of the stage. She followed her, trusting that Matt could handle the devastation unfolding in the arena. Her breathing grew heavy. Adrenalin was pumping through her veins like a drug.

           They ended up in the backstage area again. She continued pursuing Alice watching as she answered a call on the phone. Annika was becoming excited. She wanted to face this man who corrupted her sister and ultimately ruined her life. She wanted to beat the senses from him. More importantly, she wanted to save Alice.

            They were heading toward the dressing rooms. Annika tried to follow her train of thought. Maybe Alice believed Rio had been taken there by security. The place had become silent. The staff had been ushered toward the exits and to safety. She stepped carefully- the heels of her boots threatened to become an enemy. She steadied her breath and listened to the pounding of her heart.

             Alice rounded a corner and Annika followed her. When she turned, she gasped. Alice was gone. She looked down the length of the hallway. There was no way she had cleared it in a few seconds. Annika was rooted to the ground as she tried to make sense of what just happened. The sound of a click made her turn around.

             Annika recalled the first day Matt had taken her to the gym to train with his coach. It was something that was burned into her memory. One of the first things the coach told her was never to underestimate any opponent. No matter how weak and naïve they seemed. Becoming complacent was a sure way to lose a fight. Annika had done it. She had undervalued her sister and was about to lose a fight.

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