Chapter 26

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           Standing next to her sister, she couldn't shake off the stress that was creeping up on her. Her mind was restless with her scattered thoughts. She felt guilty about something, though she couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly. It was difficult to bring herself to meet Alice's gaze, and her eyes instead fixated on the colorful stone mosaic adorning the wall next to the food truck. The intricate patterns and the vibrant colors seemed to dance before her, but Annika was too lost in her overwhelming internal turmoil to admire its beauty.

"You want hot chutney or just the sweet one?" Alice's question permeated her thoughts.

She pulled her gaze away from the floral mosaic and coerced herself to look at her sister. With a nervous smile, she proceeded closer.

"The hot one," she answered. "Should we get something for Rio?"

"Nah, he doesn't like Caribbean food too much. He's more of a Japanese cuisine kinda person."

"I noticed."

Alice flashed a warm smile at Annika and turned her gaze back to the young girl standing atop the food truck, waiting to take their order.

          Annika concentrated on her racing heart, struggling to keep control of her emotions. Snippets of long-forgotten childhood memories flooded her mind, intensifying her emotional turmoil. She steadied her breathing. The world had no idea of the turmoil she was in. Did she choose her sister or the man who healed her heart?

"Here you go," Alice said as she handed Annika her box of delicious-smelling food.

"It smells good."

"Like grandma's cooking," Alice said with a warm smile as she inhaled the aroma wafting from a second box. "Where do you want to go?" she asked. "We can sit right there." She extended her arm and gestured toward a stone bench at the far end of a charming cobblestone path adorned with an exhibition of vibrant, blooming flowers.

"Sure." Annika shrugged.

They started walking. It was growing lively as the evening bloomed into the night. People were out and about, enjoying the cool breeze that whispered to everyone that summer was just around the corner. Soon, tank tops and shorts would replace coats and jackets.

"This reminds me of when we were kids. Remember, we used to go get burgers and eat in the park with Susie and Jamar," Alice said as they sat on the bench, one of five more that lined the wide walkway. Leaves from the tall, colorful trees formed small piles near the edge of the grass verge.

Annika smiled, wishing she was still that carefree girl. "Those were the days, weren't they? Who would have thought we would have ended up here, right?" She opened the lid of the paper box.

"Makes you wonder where life would take you. Who knows?" She shrugged.

"It's been a while since we talked. Hasn't it? About things like this. What happened to us?" Alice asked.


They laughed.

"I guess that's what it was," Annika said with a depressed tone. Her heart was breaking. The pain was killing her. The smell of the food was thick in her nostrils, but suddenly, she didn't feel hungry. "You know you can still tell me anything. Your hopes and dreams and fears. I'm still your sister. Your best friend."

"I know. We'll always be best friends."

Annika's eyes were taking in every subtle change in Alice's expression. She stared at her, taking in the beauty of this person she had known all her life. Her luscious brown hair flowed down her back in soft waves, exuding an aura of gentleness. Her simplicity added to her charm, and she looked effortlessly beautiful without any makeup or extravagant clothing. The lenses of her glasses caught the light reflecting from the trucks and shops, creating a dazzling display of colors that accentuated her features. How could someone so delicate be capable of anything evil?

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