Chapter 6

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Location: New York Grand Central Train Station, New York City

June 21, 3904

After their trip to Washington DC, it was now time for everyone from the kingdoms to see one of the biggest cities in the United States. Everyone woke up early as they were told that they'd be taking a maglev to New York City. It was now 8 am, and everyone had just gotten off the train and started to follow the guide as they were told that New York was heavily populated. After what happened last time Glynda left Summer and Qrow, she has taken it to herself to watch over them and the students. When Summer, Ruby, and Yang came late for the assembly at CityCenterDC she had expected that when she saw the number of cookies and sweets they had. She wondered to herself how the first two hadn't had diabetes yet. As for Qrow, the Secret Service had to fetch him from a bar a few kilometers away from the Blair House when he didn't come back after 5 pm. Turns out, Qrow had been drinking so much that he, actually tried to woo a girl while her boyfriend was behind him at the bar.

Seriously, can't the man have a bit of restraint?

Thankfully, the Secret Service came just in time before it escalated into a brawl. That entire shit show caused one hell of a headache for both her and Ozpin. However, she also noticed that Ironwood had a sour expression when they returned from the White House. Ozpin told her that they tried to convince President Conrad in a private meeting to at least share, a bit, of their technology to help them fight against Salem, but it was quickly denied. Conrad had specifically told them that the US would not share military tech. However, Conrad told them they would allow the kingdoms limited access to their satellite communication and information network (-in order words: Internet-) after General Reeves proposed to give the kingdoms basic tech while making Ironwood a fool when he said the CCTS was the best communication system on Remnant. Both Conrad and Reeves laughed at the remark and told him that the CCTS was the dumbest communication system that anyone had ever come up with before pointing out the flaws of such a system and uselessness. Reeves also told them that if they wanted to, they could shut down all CCTS towers in just a second since their security system is like a baby was the one that came up with it. Trade was also allowed but, they were, limited to the 21st and 22nd century level only like appliances, vehicles, and other consumer goods., since none of the kingdoms of the New World were capable of operating current US technology. Crops and foodstuffs were permitted at full and medicines were also allowed but limited.

Glynda: I don't know if you are lucky or not, Qrow. Do you have any idea how much trouble you caused for me, Ozpin, and the Secret Service?

She sneered at Qrow who drank a sip from the bottle of whiskey he bought from a liquor store.

Qrow: Oh come on, nothing ever happened, Glynda.

She sighed at him as they walked out of the train. They walked towards the escalators which took them to the surface. Once at the surface, they were awed. While Washington DC was beautiful, New York City was a marvel. Towering skyscrapers all around them made their necks hurt just by looking at how high they were. It was also more crowded than DC as people passed by around them, and it was just morning.

 It was also more crowded than DC as people passed by around them, and it was just morning

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