Chapter #70

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Chapter #70

May 17th 2023

Scarlett's POV

"It kinda sounds like a prayer." I tell Sam when I read part of the lyrics of her new song Happy. "Good that's what I was going for." She says. "Are you ready to record Ma?" Sarah asks. "Yes I am." She says. "Ok this is Happy." Sam says and takes a deep breath before grabbing her guitars.

"Dear God, please, hear me out"

"I know it's been a couple years"

"Since I've reached out and said hello"

"I bet You're wondering"

"Why I keep"

"Obsessing on and stressing all the little things"

"When I should be"

"Living life and soaking up the memories"

She begins to play the guitar as she sings with her eyes closed like they always are. It's like she truly is talking straight to god.

"I know I've been selfish, I have"

"No excuse to give you, it's true"

"Hanging by a thread's how I live"

"I don't know why, but I feel more comfortable"

"Living in my agony, watching my self-esteem"

"Go up in flames, acting like I don't"

"Care what anyone else thinks, when I know truthfully"

"That that's the furthest thing from how I"

"Feel, but I'm too proud to open up and ask ya"

"To pick me up and pull me out this hole I'm trapped in"

"The truth is, I need help, but I just can't imagine who"

"Who I'd be if I was happy"

"Yeah, been this way so long"

"It feels like something's off when I'm not depressed"

"I got some issues that I won't address"

"I got some baggage I ain't opened yet"

"I got some demons I should put to rest"

"I got some traumas that I can't forget"

"I got some phone calls I been avoiding"

"Some family members I don't really connect with"

"Some things I said I wish I would of not let slip"

"Some hurtful words that never should of left my lips"

"Some bridges burned, I'm not ready to rebuild yet"

"Some insecurities I haven't dealt with, yes"

"I'll be the first to admit that I'm a lonely soul"

"And the last to admit I need a hand to hold"

"Losing hope, headed down a dangerous road"

"Strange, I know, but I feel most at home when I'm"

"Living in my agony, watching my self-esteem"

"Go up in flames acting, like I don't"

"Care what anyone else thinks, when I know truthfully"

"That that's the furthest thing from how I"

"Feel, but I'm too proud to open up and ask ya"

"To pick me up and pull me out this hole I'm trapped in"

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