Chapter #46

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Chapter #46

April 3rd 2023

Sarah's POV

I've been reading the lyrics to the two songs Aunt Flo wants to do and I can't stop crying after reading the second one. "Sweetie, it's ok. Your Aunt won't mind if you can't produce it." Taylor says, rubbing my back. "No I can, it's just I didn't know she felt like this. I've helped Ma with equally emotional songs. I can do it." I tell her. "Ok oh your phone is ringing." She says. "Hello?" I say answering the phone. "Hi, I am looking for Sarah Johansson-Mily?" They say. "This is her. Sorry for the cracked voice I was going over a song I am helping produce. What can I do for you?" I ask. "Hi this is Melissa with Rolling Stone magazine we would like to interview you." She says. "W-what?" I ask. "We would like to interview you." She says. "OMG! TAY ROLLING FUCKING STONE WANTS TO INTERVIEW ME!!" I squeal. "Say yes." She chuckles. "Yes I would love that. When do you want to do it?" I ask. "Are you free tomorrow?" Melissa asks. "Yes I am." I say. "Are you ok with the interview being at your studio?" She asks. "More than ok. Um can I have a friend with me for you know moral support?" I ask. "Of course." She says. "Amazing um what time?" I ask. "Is eleven good for you?" She asks. "Yes, that is just fine with me." I say. "Ok we will see you tomorrow." She says. "Uh don't you want my address?" I ask. "We've interviewed Sam Mily. I assume you still live there." She says. "Right, yes I do." I tell her. "Ok see you then." She says and hangs up. "Oh my god I have to wait for Nicky to get out of class to call her." I say to my brother and I's friend. "Damn Sarah I'm so fucking proud of you." Tay Tay says. "Thank you." I say. "Will you be there?" I ask. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." She hugged me.

April 4th 2023

Sarah's POV

"You will be great." Nicky says kissing me as I wait for the person from Rolling Stone. I am sitting in the recording part of the studio with Tay Tay with me and my family in the soundbooth. I love them so much their presence helps calm me. I hear the doorbell ring and Mom says she'll get it and goes to get the front door. "Ok just breathe you will be ok." Tay says and I nod and Nicky joins everyone in the booth. Mom soon walks in with a woman around my height and excuses herself to join the others. "Hi I'm Melissa we spoke yesterday." She introduces herself. "Nice to meet you. I'm Sarah and this is my friend Taylor." I say and Tay waves giving her a nice smile. "Yeah I um am a big fan I went to your eras tour." Melissa says. "Thank you but today isn't about me it's about this amazing woman next to me." Tay says humbly. "So shall we get started?" Melissa asks. "Yes, let's do this." I smile. "So Sarah you are nineteen and have already worked with some amazing artists." She says. "Yes I have and it's been a privilege." I say. "So tell me. How did you get into producing?" She asks. "Well I would spend so much time with Ma I just started doing it." I tell her. "Your Ma Sam?" She asks. "Yep." I nod. "So Sarah, who inspires you most?" She asks. "Wow um it's got to be my moms they are amazing." I say honestly. "Do you have any favorite moments from producing?" She asks and I instantly smiles. "Anytime my little brother Danny is with me." I say. "Danny, no she's busy." I hear Mom say as the door to the soundbooth opens and Danny runs to me. "It's fine Mom." I say and let Danny sit next to me. "This is Danny, he's my partner in crime." I say with a smile as I wrap my arm around him. After about thirty minutes more of questions we get to the final one. "So Sarah, my final question for you is who is your favorite client so far?" She asks. "Sorry Ma, Mom, Jr, and Tay. But it would have to be Amy Lee. She was my first client and she is amazing. We hang out quite a bit too." I say. "Evanescence is amazing." She says and it pisses me off that she thinks of only the band when Amy is mentioned. "I haven't worked with the band much, just Amy. She writes all the songs and is just amazing." I tell her, making it clear that I enjoy working with Amy, not just her band. "Thank you for your time Sarah. This will come out in the next edition. I hope to interview you again in the future." She says holding out her hand for me to shake and I do. We say our goodbyes and Jr shows her out.


This chapter was Chris's idea, even the questions. Anygays see you in the next one.  

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