Chapter #61

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Chapter #61

May 12th 2023

Sam's POV

"Ma why are you moping?" Sarah asks. "Christian stole my wife." I pout. "Dear god Ma you have attachment issues. She hasn't seen Uncle Christian in over a decade." Sarah says. "She's my wife." I counter. "It's her brother!" Sarah says. "Ugh, why are you reasonable?" I groan. "I got it from Mom." She smiles. "True." I laugh. "Uncle Benny? Aunt Tina?" Sarah says, looking at the doorway shocked. "Oh my god is that my cousin?" She gushes. "No, it's a doll. Of course it is." Benny says holding his daughter she was born two weeks ago but Tina wanted space and we of course respected her decision. "How was your first mothers day Mom?" I ask Tina. "It was nice I still am wrapping my head around the fact that I have a kid and I pushed her out of me." Tina jokes. "I said that after I had Danny." Scarlett says walking in with her brother. "Whoa who's this guy?" Benny asks. "Oh this is Christian my oldest brother." Scarlett says. "Who stole my wife." I grumble and Sarah elbows me in the ribs. "So are you finally going to tell us what our niece's name is?" I ask. "Yes. Guys meet Lauren Ingrid Mily." Benny says proudly and I fall onto the couch. "Y-you named them a-after us?" I stutter shocked and honored. "If it weren't for you and Scarlett we wouldn't have gotten together and have her. Plus it's a pretty name." Tina says. "I'm honored." Scarlett says. "Me too this is. I can't explain how honored I feel right now. Does mom know what her name is?" I ask. "Yes she cried when we told her." Benny says I got my middle name from mom which made it just so much more special to pass it down to Sarah. "And you Sarah she named after you as well." Tina says. "It's an honor. Can I hold her?" She asks. "Of course just be careful of her head you got to..." Tina cuts Benny off. "Sweetheart she has seven younger siblings, she probably knows how to take care of a baby better than us." She says with a light chuckle. "Hey if you guys need any help I'm willing to help. She looks just like you Uncle Benny." Sarah says. "I haven't met Lukasz. I was too busy being pregnant and he was too busy being a nervous wreck getting the nursery built and baby proofing the house." Tina says. "Sam was the same way when she found out we were going to have Danny." Scarlett chuckles. "Lukasz is taking a nap right now but when he wakes up I will bring him down." I say. "Can I have my wife back? I have attachment issues according to Sarah." I say. "You do." Sarah fires back. "We were gone for three hours, baby." Scarlett says, giving me a hug and I bury my face in her neck. "I know but I miss you when you aren't with me." I say. "Aww you're cute." Christian says. "I will bite you." I tell him, lifting my head. "What the? Really Sam, you are a grown woman." Christian says. "Where do you think Sarah got her gremlinness from?" I ask. "She's got a point." Sarah says and Scarlett just rolls her eyes. "Scarlett, save me." Christian says. "You grew up with her too. You know she doesn't like being called cute." Scarlett says as I put my face back in the crook of her neck. "Yeah my sister really hates it." Benny laughs. "Sister?" Christian asks and we fill him in on the important things he's missed over the years. He's happy my ma is now with someone who treats her right now just like we are. "You know it looks weird when you are the one holding Sam." Christian says. "Oh yeah? I don't care. I enjoy it." Scarlett says. "I'm just saying it makes you look shorter than usual." He says. "What did you call me?" Scarlett says. "Oh shit." Tina mutters. "Shorty." Christian says and runs out to the back yard. "GET BACK HERE!!" Scarlett yells and chases her brother. "Well that's not good." Sarah says. "I'm not getting involved, their siblings, they'll figure it out." I say. "AHHH!!!" Christian screams as he runs back in with Scarlett hot on his trail. "Sam move the coffee table!" Scarlett yells I don't know why she wants me to but I do anyway. "HOLY SHIT!!" Me, Sarah, Nicky, Benji, Tina say at the same time as Scarlett does the signature Black widow move with ease taking Christian down who lays there in shock. Scarlett walks back to me with a shit eating grin on her face. "You can actually do that?" Nicky says shocked. "Oh yeah I've seen her do it on set." Sarah says. "When?" I ask. "When I was sneaking pictures to post obviously." Sarah says with sass. "I didn't even know you could actually do that without the wires and stuff." I say. "Ten years darling ten years. I am and always will be the black widow." Scarlett says. "I'm not going to complain because that was pretty badass sis." Christian says. "Oh that's my cue." I say when I hear Lukasz crying through the monitor and it's my turn to get him.

"Ok, are you ready to meet some more people?" I say to my son as I take him downstairs. "Gimmie." Lizzie growls the second I walk into the living room. "Later, My brother hasn't gotten to meet him." I say and Benji is already standing ready to hold his youngest nephew for the first time. Sarah is still holding her cousin who somehow slept through my wife taking her brother down. "Benji, this is Lukasz. Lukasz this is your Uncle Benny." I say handing him over. "He's so cute. He's got Scarlett's eyes." He says. "But the rest is all Sam." Tina chimes in as she stands next to Benji after a bit he hands him to Tina. "Hey we heard yelling and Samuel has a migraine." Dua says as she walks in and Christian is red again. "Oh you must be Christian." Dua says. "Yeah uh um hi. I love your music." He says. "Oh thank you. I'm Samuel's girlfriend." She says giving Christian a hug. "Did you say Samuel?" Benji asks. "Yeah you know Jr." She says. "I know who he is but he hates being called by his given name." Benji says. "Only Mom, Ma, and Dua can call me Samuel." Jr walks in holding his head. "Sorry buddy you got the migraines from my side of the family." I say as I wrap my arms around him to give him some comfort. "Is this Lauren?" He asks, pointing to the child Sarah is holding. "You knew?" I say quietly knowing that loud noises will make his migraine worse. "Yeah Uncle Benny can't keep a secret to save his life." Jr laughs. "Wait, you told him?" Tina scolds Benji. "I didn't mean to, I was just so excited about being a dad and I knew he's good with secrets and I had to tell someone." Benji defends. "I'd like to hold my cousin later when my head isn't trying to murder me." He says. "Oh boo come here." Dua says and he goes and cuddles with her on the sofa. It's kinda cute.


Don't call Scarlett short. Anygays see you in the next one.    

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