Chapter #14

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Chapter #14
Feb 23rd 2023
Jr’s POV
I am sitting up against the car waiting for my siblings to get out of the school building. “Big Brother!!” Emma cheers as she sees me and comes running up to me and I scoop her up and swing her around. “How was school?” I  ask. “Boring.” She says as Wyatt and Danny come my way. Aunt Liz went to get Kai and Elizabeth from daycare and Janina is still at the house with Uncle Robbie. “Ok everyone in the car.” I usher my siblings into the car. We arrive at the house at the same time as Aunt Liz. “Hey guys, it looks like we got here at the same time.” Aunt Liz chuckles. “Hi Awnt Wizzie.” Wyatt says as she unbuckles his car seat. “Wyatt I’ve told you a million times to wait for me to unbuckle your seat.” I tell him. “You too slow.” He says and goes to hug Liz. “Hey little dude.” She bends down to hug him back. We all make it into the house and settle in the living room. “Hey Jr you should see what your Ma posted. Truer words have never been spoken.” Aunt Liz chuckles. “Oh god what did she post?” I groan as I pull my phone from my back pocket.

“Ha that’s true”[ScarlettJohansson: Very true][MelanieSloan: Laura wasn’t her first word fuck?][LauraMily: Unfortunately it was and it was her favorite][SarahJohansson: How did I not know this][SamMily: It’s still my favorite][ScarlettJohansson: I...

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“Ha that’s true”
[ScarlettJohansson: Very true]
[MelanieSloan: Laura wasn’t her first word fuck?]
[LauraMily: Unfortunately it was and it was her favorite]
[SarahJohansson: How did I not know this]
[SamMily: It’s still my favorite]
[ScarlettJohansson: I know I make you say it a lot;)]
[SarahJohansson: Mom just went into their room and locked the door]
[LauraMily: Ew I hear noises]
[SarahJohansson: We are going out]

“I kinda feel bad for my sister.” I say. “I feel bad for Laura.” Uncle Robbie says. “So do you want to record one of your songs?” Uncle Robbie asks. “Yes I do.” I tell him and we head down to the studio. “Ok kid, which song do you want to do?” Uncle Robbie asks as my siblings and Aunt Liz go into the soundbooth with him. “Um, I think I’ll do Arcade.” I tell him. “Ok sounds good. Lizziebear, will you take the kids just over into the apartment? You don’t have to shut the door, it's just a little crowded here.” Uncle Robbie says and Aunt Liz nods and gives him a quick kiss. “I’ll put a movie on in the bedroom because I want to hear the song. Give me about ten minutes.” Aunt Liz says before moving my siblings to the apartment.
Liz’s POV
I put Moana on in the bedroom and rejoin Robbie in the soundbooth and when he sees me he pushes his chair from the soundboard knowing I will sit on his lap. He knows me so well. “Ok so do I need tissues?” I ask my eldest nephew. “You might. They are in the top right drawer of the dest.” He says through his head set. “Ok tissues are in my hand ready to use.” I tell him, making him and Robbie chuckle. “Ok I’m ready when you are.” He says. “Ok Robbie do your thing.” I tell my hubby. “Ok, three, two, one.” Robbie counts down and just like his mother Samuel closes his eyes before as he sings. And I am crying by the first lyric.
“A broken heart is all that's left”
“I'm still fixing all the cracks”
“Lost a couple of pieces when”
“I carried it, carried it, carried it home”
“I'm afraid of all I am”
“My mind feels like a foreign land”
“Silence ringing inside my head”
“Please carry me, carry me, carry me home”
“I've spent all of the love I saved”
“We were always a losing game”
“Small town boy in a big arcade”
“I got addicted to a losing game”
“All I know, all I know”
“Loving you is a losing game”
“Do you love me, love me not?”
“Giving pieces from my heart”
“Tomorrow's coming and has gone”
“Still I carried, I carried, I carried on”
“All I know, all I know”
“Loving you is a losing game”
“All I know, all I know”
“Loving you is a losing game”
“I don't need your games, game over”
“Get me off this rollercoaster”
“All I know, all I know”
“Loving you is a losing game”
“All I know, all I know”
“Loving you is a losing game”

He finishes the song with a few tears falling down his cheeks. I am quick to jump out of Robbie’s lap and run into the studio and throw my arms around him. “It’s beautiful.” I tell him. “Thanks Aunt Lizzie.” He says, wrapping his arms around me. He only says Lizzie instead of Liz when he’s really emotional. “Samuel, we are here for you.” I tell him and he looks at me wide eyed at the use of his full name. “You called me Samuel.” He says. “I’m sorry if that brings back bad memories I won’t call you that again. I just wanted you to know that I mean what I say.” I tell him. “When you or Mom and Ma say it. It doesn’t bring up bad memories. I like it when you use my full name.” He smiles down at me since he is taller than me. “I love you Aunt Lizzie so much. Thank you for accepting me.” He says tears falling down his face. “Oh sweetie. You are family. I love you. Of course I accepted you.” I tell him as I wipe his tears.

I know that not all families are accepting. I lost the woman I loved because her father told her better off dead than gay and today is the five year anniversary of when she took her life. Arcade is by Duncan Luarance. Anygays see you in the next one. 

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