This Should be Fun

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Chapter 43

This Should be Fun

Everyone stared at each other. The Healers looked uncomfortable. The scribe had a notebook out.

"Well, this should be a good time had by all." Ridoc grumbled.

"Did he insinuate that we could die?" A small healer asked.

"Piss off the dragons and find out." Sawyer said.

"You'll be alright." Lily looked at his name tage. "Dyre." Violet looked at the Scribe, who was a short woman.

"Aoife? They drag scribes into RSC?" Violet asked.

"Hi, Violet. I'm currently the first in my year training for the field and not to be an adept." Aofie said. Lily raised an eyebrow. "You're the most powerful rider in yours. Dyre and Calvin are the best in their years. Naturally they built the strongest team first." Ridoc smiles.

"So you're saying we're the team to beat." Ridoc said.

"Something like that." The Scribe fights a smile.

"Then let's make sure we don't get beat." Rhiannon said, looking at the map. "Tomas, what do you think?" Tomas hands a map to Brisa and consults on Rhi's.

Two hours later after several arguements with the infantry, they were four miles from their starting point with another six to go. Rhiannon and Ridoc examined their map and discussed a route with Tomas and handed it over to the infantry to agree on a route.

"I'm telling you, we're in the Parchille Forrest." Calvin argues with Rhiannon a few steps ahead. Lily was rubbing her head. She was gonna get a headache working with the infantry. "That map doesn't resemble any I've ever seen for Shedrick which means we could be headed the opposite direction we should be. None of these landmarks match."

"And I think you're wrong." Rhiannon argued.

"I think we're in the Hadden Woods." Aofie said, holding her journal close. She had three pages of notes written. "It's the only forest close enough to bring us all by horse, since I doubt your dragons flew us in."

"It's also the only forest close enough for Tairn and Lyssa to stay behhind and see Sgaeyl and Chadh without cuasing either of us pain from the separation." Violet said. Lily nodded.

"Their squad leader is the infantry equivalent of Aetos." Ridoc said. Violet nods. Cohen doesn't bother supressing his laugh.

"Who is Aetos?" Cadet Quiet asked.

"One of our Wingleaders. Kind of like your Battalion Commander." Lily said.

"Oh." Cadet Quiet nods as Rhiannon and Calvin continue arguing. "You guys function in sections, right?"

"Yes." Violet and Lily said. Lily put her hands behind her head and looked up at the leaves. This was agrivating. Lily hoped Lyssa got to see Chadh for a bit and let Garrick know where she was.

"What do we do if we come across a dragon?" Aofie asked.

"First we choose a sacrifice. And then we offer it and run." Ridoc said. Her eyes widen.

"Don't be an asshole." Violet elbows Ridoc.

"Depends on the color, but a good rule of thumb is to lower your eyes and back away. But we can usually hear them coming." Lily said.

"Then prepare to be digested." Cohen said.

"Oh gods." Someone says.

"You are now my favorite year, mate." Ridoc said, throwing his arm around Cohen.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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