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Chapter 12


Garrick was tapping his foot with impatience. He was talking with Xaden about their next nightly run of weapons. He was to meet up with Lily in their favorite spot and Xaden was taking forever.

'Squad Leader.' A roar fills his mind. It wasn't Chradl. It was Lyssa. Garrick put up his arm to stop Xaden from talking. Xaden stopped when he saw the worried look on his friend's face.

'Lyssa. What is it?' Garrick thought back to Lily's dragon.

'You need to get to your meeting spot with my rider. She's getting attacked by unbonded.' Lyssa said. Garrick was out of Riorson's door before Lyssa was done talking with Xaden yelling for him.

'Let Riorson's and Violet's dragons know what's going on and have their riders meet me there.' Garrick thought to Lyssa. He heard Xaden running after him, but Garrick didn't slow down.

Lily watched the six. This is not what she wanted right now. Lily twirled the dagger in her hands.

"What you guys to chicken?" Lily said as she grabbed another dagger, so she was holding two of them. One runs at her. Lily throws a dagger, and it hits him right in the neck in the jugular. He drops to the ground dead. Lily dodges another attack with ease and brings the dagger down and right into the guy's skull. Two of them looked hesitant.

"Damnit. I think she's the stronger one." A girl said. Lily smirked.

'Garrick is on his way. Hold them off till then. Kill if needed.' Chradl said. Lily wasn't use to him. 'Lyssa is talking to Tairn and Sgaeyl.' Lily grabbed a guy and spun him, bending his arm back and feeling it break under her hands. The guy screamed. Lily grabbed his head and twisted it hard, hearing the snap. He fell to her feet. Lily turned to have a hand grab her by the neck and she cried out in pain as her back collided with the railing. The guy slammed her head into the stone. Stars flashed before Lily's eyes. A roar splits the air.

'Garrick!' Lily called to him as the boy started to squeeze her neck, hard.

'Almost there.' Garrick growls.

"Kill her! Before her dragon gets here." The girl shouted. Lily grabbed the guy's hand as she struggled to breath as the guy squeezes the life out of her. A door slams open and the girl quickly moves.

"Lily!" A dagger hits the boy right in the shoulder. Lily felt the guy's grip and she shoved him off. Lily fell to her knees, gasping for air. "Princess." Hands grab her shoulders as she suddenly heaved, and she vomited her dinner onto the balcony.

"Damn. She put up a fight." Xaden's voice came.

"Lil's." Violet said next to her.

"Violet. Garrick." Lily gasped. She looked up and saw Garrick looking at her in worry. Violet was on her other side, wearing the same look on her face. Lily threw her arms around Garrick's neck and hugged him. Garrick hugged her back, sighing in relief she was alright. The girl that was backing away was thrown to the floor next to the injured guy. Garrick helped Lily stand, keeping an arm wrapped around her as she sways. Shadows were wrapping around the attacker's arms and legs.

"You decide to attack the Sorrengail that is strong and will kill you on the spot." Xaden said.

"We wanted to get to her twin and also bond with the blue one." The girl said. Wings flapped came from behind. Garrick pulled Lily off to the side as Lyssa and Chradl land on the railing. Rocks tumbled to the ground down below. Lyssa almost had a murderous look on her face. Even Chradl, who was taking a liking to Lily, was glaring.

"You don't deserve a dragon. No wonder a dragon didn't bond with you guys." Xaden growled. Lyssa lowered her head as the shadows disppear. Lily turned her head as Lyssa let out a stream of fire and incinerated the two cadets. Lyssa turned towards Lily and her gold eyes seemed to calm.

'Bring her to me.' Lyssa told Garrick. Garrick gently walked Lily towards Lyssa. Lily let Garrick go and wrapped her arms around Lyssa's neck, hugging her. 'You alright, little one?'

'I'm alright. Thank you.' Lily told her. She pressed a kiss to the top of Lyssa's head and let go. Violet hugged her sister. Xaden comes up to Garrick.

"You're staying with her tonight?" Xaden asked.

"Yes. I'm not leaving her after that." Garrick said. Chradl and Lyssa take off. Lily turns to feel Garrick wrapping his arm back around her.

"You alright, Sorrengail?" Xaden asked, coming over.

"Just a really bad headache and my neck hurts." Lily said.

"You'll have bruising for awhile. Go get some sleep. Travis is staying with you tonight. Get her to her room." Xaden said. Lily stumbled as she went to walk. Garrick swooped her up in his arms as they head for the first year dorms. Violet followed behind.

"I thought I be the first one they attacked." Violet said.

"They wanted to get to you through me. Your still a target." Lily said as she wrapped her arms around Garrick's neck. Violet nodded. Garrick kicked Lily's door open and stepped in. Violet headed into her room. Garrick laid her down in her bed. Lily sat up and struggled to get the daggers out as her hands were shaking. Garrick grabbed her hands.

"Calm down. I'll help." Garrick said. Garrick started pulling the daggers out.

"Why did't you answer me when I called for you the first time." Lily whispered.

"I had my shields up and was talking to Xaden. I wished I had come sooner." Garrick said. Bruises were starting to form around her neck.

"I was able to kill four of them. The snapping of the neck of one distracted me." Lily whispered. Garrick helped her pull off her vest. Lily flinched.

"What's wrong?" Garrick said.

"My back hurts a bit when I hit the railing." Lily said. Lily helped Garrick lift her shirt and he saw the bruising forming near her ribs.

"Your gonna have some bruising." Garrick said. He touched her ribs and saw she didn't flinch. "Nothing broken." Lily pulled down his shirt. Lily turned to look at him. He saw fear and pain in her eyes. "Come here." Lily crawled into his lap and wrapped her arms around him. Garrick wrapped his arm around her and laid back against the pillows. Lily burried her face in his chest. They both didn't say a word as they held onto each other. There was no sleep for both of them that night afraid more will come and attack, but no one did, but Lily feared for her sister.

AN: Hope you enjoyed. Till next time

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