First Day as Second Years

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Chapter 39
First Day as Second Years

Garrick never came that night to Lyssa's dislike and Lily's worry, but Lily spent that night getting to know Athena. The girls realized they had a lot in common.

Lily looked in the mirror before she left for the day. Her hair was now a few inches above her shoulder. Lily never cut her hair and she had held tears back as Violet helped her cut it.

'It'll grow out, Little One.' Lyssa said.

'I know. You alright?' Lily asked as she stepped out of her room.

'I'm alright, Little One. I'm sure they will still come, just running late.' Lyssa said.

Lily went to breakfast and found out Bodhi was now Section Leader of Flame. Imogen and Violet had done a run which surprised Lily. Imogen grabbed Lily and pulled her off to the side.

"Your not sleeping." Imogen said, crossing her arms. The bags were deeper under her eyes. Lily shook her head. "It's not just missing Garrick is it?"

"No. I keep seeing Violet get stabbed and Soleil dying. I see it everytime I close my eyes." Lily said. Imogen looked at her. "I can't talk to Tzipporah about it and I know Violet's having the same issues." Lily rubbed her eyes.

"You can talk to me. I know we haven't gotten along. Garrick is a good friend and he would want you to try and sleep. I'm not sleeping either." Imogen said. Lily smiled.

"Thank you." Lily said. Imogen nodded.


"It's weird as hell to be all the way up here." Ridoc said as they sit in their first Battle Brief of the year. It was standing-room only in the giant, tiered classroom for the third-years behind them. Lily had her head in her arms, dozing off for a bit till the class started.

"View is a little better." Nadine said.

"Definitely easier to see the higher portions of the map. Did you have a good run this morning?" Rhiannon asked.

"I'm not sure I'd call it good, but it was effective." Violet put her notebook and pen on the table. Violet saw Lily had hers out. She hated seeing her sister hurting.

"Look at all those first-years with their quills and ink." Ridoc remarks.

"There once was a time we didn't have lesser magic to power ink pens. Stop acting superior." Lily grumbled in her arms. Ridoc poked Lily's arm. Lily slapped his hand away. "Class hasn't started."

"We are superior." Ridoc smiles. Nadine rolls her eyes. Devera comes down the steps and comes to the front of class. Violet nudges her sister. Lily sat up and leaned back in her chair, arms crossed.

"Welcome to your first Battle Brief. Lily tuned out the same speech she gave them last years. Lily was not in the best of moods this morning and Lyssa wasn't helping.

'I'm not trying to Little One.' Lyssa said.

'I know.' Lily told her.

"This is also the only class where you will not only answer to a rider as your Professor, but a scribe, as well." Devera finished. Markham lifts the corner of is cream-colored robes as he decends, heading for the flor. Lily stiffened along with Violet. Violet's hand slid into Lily's and they squeeze. He had to know about the truth, but they didn't say anything. "You'll respect Colonel Markham as you would any other Professor. He is the foremost authority at Basgiath when it comes to all matters not only of our history but current events as well. Some of you may not know this, but information from the front is actually received at Basgiath before it's sent to the King in Calldyr, so you'll be hearing it first here." Lily saw Aaric sitting next to Athena with Sloane on her other side. He didn't flinch at the mention of his father.

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