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Chapter 13

Garrick walked Lily to every class and meals after that. He didn't sit at the lunchtable since Imogen was there to keep an eye on the twins. Flying lessons, Liam was watching, which irritated Lily, but Liam was very nice. Lily spent some nights in Garrick's room if needed and he spent nights in hers. Dain nearly threw a fit when he found out, but Xaden shut him up after explaining what happened and Lily's bruises were the proof they needed.

Lily sat picking at her food as they sat at the table. Violet had run books to the Scribe Quadrant. Lily had grabbed her a plate so she could eat. Violet slid into her seat.

"It was the coolest thing ever." Ridoc said, continuing his story. "One second he was sparring that third-year with the wicked broadsword skills, and then Swayer..."

"You could let him tell the story." Rhiannon said, rolling her eyes.

"No thank you." Sawyer said as he stared at his fork. Ridoc grins.

"And then the sword just twists in Sawyer's hand, curving toward the third-year even though Sawyer was way off the mark." Ridoc said. He grimices in Sawyers direction. "Sorry, man, but you were. If your sword hadn't decided to warp and go straight for that guy's arm.

"Wait. You're a metallurgist? Really?" Lily asked. If true, Sawyer could manipulate metals. Everyone stares at him.

"That's what Carr says. Aetos dragged me straight to the professor when he saw it happen." Sawyer said.

"I'm so jealous. I want my sinet power to manifest!" Ridoc said.

"You wouldn't be so excited if it meant you weren't sure if your fork would stab into the roof of your mouth because you can't control it yet." Sawyer said.

"Good point." Ridoc said.

"You'll manifest when your dragon is ready to trust you with all that power. Just hope your dragons trust you before your six months and..." Quinn made a sound like an explosion and mimics it with her hands.

"Stop scaring the children. That hasn't happened in decades." Imogen said. She saw the first years staring at her in horror. "Look, the relic your dragons transferred onto you at Threshing is the conduit to let all that magic into your body. If you don't manifest a signet and let it out, then after a bunch of months, bad things happen." Everyone gawked at her.

"The magic consumes you." Quimn said, making the explosion sound again.

"Relax, it's not like a hard deadline or something. It's just an average." Imogen suggested with a shrug.

"Fuck my life." Lily said.

"Fuck me, it's always something around here." Ridoc mutters.

"Feeling a little luckier now." Sawyer said.

"We'll get you some wodden utensils. And you should probably avoid the armory or sparring with anything." Violet said.

"That's the truth. At least I'll be safe during flight this afternoon." Sawyer said.

'What's wrong?" Garrick asked through their bond. Lily looked towards him and saw him watching with Xaden watching Violet.

'Sawyer got his signet and Imogen is scarring us about what happens if we don't get ours in six months.' Lily told him as she bit into her food.

'Don't worry. You'll get yours eventually.' Garrick told her.

"I like it better when we have it in the morning. It's way worse after we've eaten breakfast and lunch." Rhiannon said.

"Agreed." Violet and Lily said.

"Finish the turkey. I'll see you tonight." Imogen said as her and Quinn leave.

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