3. first encounter

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After completing the meeting with the PR team about the new product we just launched in the market. The shares and the response is so good which made my grandfather happy hearing the news so now he wanted to have a meal with me.

When my grandpa said he wanted to have a meal it means that he is really satisfied with my or very disappointed with my work it has to be either good or bad but as of now I'm doing really well in company with my work i know he is happy

"Ms. Kang we arrived" said my assistant as I got out of my car and made my way to the mansion before me which I used to hate the most and still do. I don't like coming here. Every employee who works there bowed to me as I was walking I kept my chin up and straightened my posture I wore an elegant and formal piece of cloth which makes me look chic and arrogant young CEO. just my style. I always feel like my attire plays a big role in my confidence level.

As I entered inside the lavishing mansion everyone present there bowed to me which made me feel almighty. They are the same people who used to look down at me cause I was born out of wedlock. They think they can look down on me cause that's exactly what my grandpa used to do me.

The way they are looking at me now makes me unknowingly satisfied. Made me feel like I really succeeded and I still have a long long way to go and climb the highest throne of being a chairperson for the mirae groups of industry.

I went towards the living room where my grandfather is present. Even tho he is now in his late 60s he still had the same effect to make people in front of him go weak. Even tho How strong and confident I am it will disappear in thin air when I am in front of him. His aura never changed. He is still that great kang taejoon who is respected by the whole Nation.

I bowed 90° greeting him.

He had that proud satisfying smile on his face

"There comes my granddaughter! My successor! The youngest and efficient CEO who suppressed the top most CEOs in Asia"  I can see he is in an extremely good mood. He started to brag about me as soon as I entered.

"Yn-ah I heard that you locked the deal with that Russian company too! This is how I used to be in my early 30's! I'm so proud of you. You are exactly like me!"  It's been 3 months since I visited this mansion and also it's been so long since I talked to him but the first thing he talks about is company. He never cared about me if I'm the old me I might definitely get hurt but I'm not hurt anymore cause I'm used to this now. Listening to all his compliments felt weird. I always wanted to hear them from him but idk it felt different. I don't feel good.

Likewise I had dinner with him while he was talking about company as usual.

You might have doubts about where my grandmother is. She is in Paris at her sister's house for vacation.

Right now I'm in my car back to my penthouse. I can see the night sky from the glass window of my car in the backseat. Right then we were stuck in traffic "Ms.kang seems like the traffic is jammed.I have to go home before 10 today is my wedding anniversary and my wife will be mad if i didn-" "come to the point" I said deadpanned. "I know a different route we can reach home if we take that rout-"  "okay then take me in that route" I said uninterested

We are going in the route which is so empty with only a few street lights present and there are so many abandoned buildings i never knew there is an area like this in seoul till now. I was focused on the surroundings of the new neighborhood i just got to see when suddenly all my attention went towards a group of people fighting
"Sorry mam lemme take you from another route" said my assistant and was about to turn the car when I understand clearly what happening there. It's not a group of people fighting but a group of people beating up a boy. My jaw dropped and I got a clear view of the boy He looks so young maybe not more than 18 I think. how can people be so cruel. I don't know what happened but something in me told me to save that boy and on my other side I don't want to get involved in stuff like this

My hope💌Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat