- CHAPTER 19 -

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The sun has dipped down, and the streets are awash with its remaining vestiges of fading orange.

It's interesting how the colours of the bright burning gas are so intense in its last few moments, resembling an almost fervent desire to leave behind a proof of its being - that it existed here and now, before the night tenderly blankets everything with its dark hands.

Caught concurrently between these two moments, the silver-grey car quietly navigates it way to a posh modern mansion, the barely audible rumbling of its engine - a testament of German excellence, it's only accompaniment.

When the car comes to a stop, Yua's door is opened by an attendant.

Yua has barely gathered herself properly when she hears a familiar voice from the doorway.

"Yua, darling ~ You're finally here!"

Aunt Mook, the Aira matriarch glides down the stairs, not a single hair out of place and a set of dainty pearl choker on her neck.

Her reception is too warm; she quickly gathers Yua into a gentle hug and looks over her from head to toe. Once she is satisfied, she gives a nod and immediately sets her sight on Ren.

"I told you to bring her home. Why would you take her to that place?"

By that place, she is referring to that neighbourhood. The one where her company just finished carrying out a volunteer mission.

Unlike his mother, Ren doesn't share the same sentiment.

"Relax mom. She's alive, isn't she?"

"Yes, shocking. Must be quite an achievement for you."

Clearly, she's still not over his last transgression.

Ren mocks a guffaw, at the way his mother treats Yua with kid gloves, "You'd think she's made of glass."

Clearly, the Aira matriarch has experience handling her son; she easily counters him, "You grew up with 3 other boys. Even then, Mira would always baby you."

Yua thinks she might have imagined it, but something quickly flashes past Ren's eyes. It is gone too soon, and Yua is too tired to stand here and listen to the mother-son pair squabble.

Aunt Mook tuts, "What do you know about treating a girl?"

Yua decides to cut in right then, "Aunt Mook, I am fine. It was no trouble at all. I could finally see one of your causes, and I must say it lives up to the Aira name. The whole operation is carried out seriously, and your generous donations are clearly visible through the quality of relief supplies. Anyone can tell it's not performed perfunctorily at all."

"Truly, you have the blessings of all the people you have helped."

Yua is unmatched when it comes to kissing up her seniors. Aunt Mook lights up like a beam, bringing up one of her hands to pinch Yua's cheeks, "This sweet mouth of yours!"

With her attention successfully diverted, Yua continues, "Dinner sounds like a lovely idea. Just let me freshen up first, I worked too hard earlier."

Aunt Mook swiftly aggress, "Of course, dear. Look at my manners, holding you up outside on your first time here."

The two women walk inside hand-in-hand, laughter trailing behind them and into the driveway.

"Wow," Ren deadpans, "Look at that cold woman. You'd think I am the stranger here."

Yua is given the far west room for the weekend. It is one among the many guest rooms in the Aira mansion. The wide spacious room has tall arched windows, light cotton silk curtains that float gently with the breeze and round pendant lightings that hang low from the ceiling.

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