- CHAPTER 10 -

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Misfortune always comes in pairs.

Gorya has had it with her recent streak of bad luck, one after another.

To start with, a few days ago she slipped on a random shoe left haphazardly in the foyer by Glakao. While there was no injury on the surface, she did strain a significant part of her back muscles. She hasn't had time to go to the doctor, and has only been making do with eucalyptus patches to alleviate her sore muscles.

Then, yesterday morning when she went to her part-time job at Maytee O Garden, it turnt out the flower fridge had not been closed properly, leading to a huge waste of flowers and money. There was no CCTV inside the shop, and neither was there any point in pointing fingers at each other. Then, Gorya also had to deal with a furious customer who was upset about last minute bouquet cancellations for her party.

"This is so unprofessional. This is the worst shop ever. I am leaving a 1-star review!"

Gorya still vividly remembers her threat as she left the shop, the wind chime tinkling behind the banging door.

Gorya sulkily glared at the innocent message on her phone.


Sorry Gorya.

Can't catch up tonight.

Uni is biting my butt. (╥﹏╥)

Love you

The message was sent last night, and Gorya had yet to reply to it. She was really looking forward to their routine video chat. Thyme was admittedly getting busy as his degree inched closer to completion, while Gorya focused back in her final year of high school.

Despite how life kept them busy, they still found time for each other. Usually, Thyme would have responded back by now seeing how Gorya hadn't replied back to him. He would have bugged her with a couple more annoying texts about how she was ignoring him and he wouldn't have it, citing his boyfriend rights.

But there were no such messages. 

"You're going to burn a hole through your phone."

Gorya looked up, hastily putting her phone away.


Ren put down their drinks on the table, an iced matcha latte with strawberry boba pearls for Gorya and an iced americano for himself.

Gorya grabbed her cup and stirred the contents of her drink with her straw, using a bit too much force than necessary. The latte was filled to the brim, and some green liquid sloshed out of the cup.

Gorya sipped her drink, munching on the strawberry-flavoured pearls like it owed her money. Seeing Ren look at her with his unblinking gaze, Gorya slowed down and looked away.

"It's nothing. Just that," Gorya pouted, "Thyme didn't reply back."

"What did you say?"

After a long moment, Gorya answered, "Nothing."

Ren merely raised his brows. She could already feel the weight of his unspoken words. Upon thinking back, Gorya felt even more silly. Thyme already told her he was busy with university. It's not like he cancelled their plans without reason or failed to show up. She was being childish waiting for him to text back first.

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