- CHAPTER 12 -

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The fallen branches crunch under her feet. It's crisp note is a beautiful addition to the cacophony of noises ringing throughout the jungle. In the middle of summer, the forest comes alive with the cicadas' song.

The humid air sticks to her skin, dampening her clothes and no amount of water intake is able to cool her down. This is what a typical rainforest does to you. Yua hates it.

Overhead, a flock of birds take flight. The park ranger quickly points at them, "Look! There goes the great hornbill." The entire entourage follows his line of direction. Some of them squint into the air, the sun blinding their eyes, while some are too busy fanning themselves with their hats.

The park ranger continues, "It has a distinctive large yellow bill and casque. Now, great hornbills are social creatures that usually live in small groups. While their usual diet includes fruits, they can also prey on small mammals, birds and reptiles."

Yua perks up at the sound of reptiles. She has never liked those spiny scaled creatures with their slithering bodies and creepy eyes.

Thankfully for her, Gina or is it Tina pipes up at this moment, "Reptiles? Like, what kind?"

"While we don't have an official number, this jungle does host numerous species of lizards, snakes, frogs and toads."

Tina, as Yua later finds out, visibly squirms, and scratches at an imaginary spot on her top. "Ewww, they give me the hives." She turns to MJ and holds out her arm; with pouted lips she asks, "Is my skin turning red? My skin is so sensitive! I think I am already getting a rash."

Like a conjoined twin, Gina pipes in, "Me too. I think I'm getting a rash as well." Together they hold hands and wail, "Bestie connection."

Yua takes a deep inhale and glares at Ren with an accusatory gaze.

How can Ren hang out with these kinds of people?

Was he dropped on his head as a baby?

The person in question is oblivious to her pointed glare. Ren is holding one of Gorya's hand, helping her climb over a rather large tree stump. The tree has been coated with a thin layer of moss and fungi, and it looks particularly slippery. Indeed, Gorya almost successfully crosses over the stump but at the last moment, her foot slips on the moss and she falls straight into Ren's chest.

Ren embraces her fall, his body stands firm like a pillar and his hands quickly wrap around Gorya. His stance radiates a quiet strength. The pair share a laughter like old friends when they look at each other, comfortable in their close proximity with each other.

Annoyance flickers under skin. How is she the only one having a bad time? Does no one else hate this trip as much as her?

Does Gorya not feel like the odd one out?

The group continues to move ahead, and at one point the park ranger starts to inform them about different kinds of wildlife found in the jungle. While some are harmless and won't bother them, he warns them not to make loud noises to agitate the animals, don't take their pictures with flash and never approach them no matter how cute you think it will look on your instagram.

"What kinds of animals?", Gorya asks.

"The jungle hosts elephants, gibbons, and deers. But we also have malayan sun bears, tigers and leopards." The park ranger adds with a serious voice, "So remember, never foray too deep into the jungle if you're alone. Always have a guide or one of us with you. Always." The way he sighs tells them he has seen enough of those stupid visitors, who are too confident in their abilities.

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