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Dinner is light. Today's menu is a colourful assortment of plates, each meticulously planned by the family's dietitian and cooked with utmost care by their house cooks.

After searing the last slice of oven-roasted salmon, Yua places it in her mouth and chews her food slow and steadily, counting to an appropriate number before swallowing her food.

The clear soup from the brothy poached chicken with mushrooms and chilli washed down the taste of slightly charred lemon vinaigrette.

Ever since her grandfather had been operated for a coronary bypass surgery, the man had been thorough and exhaustive regarding his health.

The doctor had mentioned his vein had narrowed down due to his age, the operation itself was minor in nature and as long as the patient practised adequate exercise and diet, there was minimal cause for alarm.

However, an Itthiwatkam never leaves a second chance for fate.

Udomsak Itthiwatkam after his slight brush with death developed a stricter temperament.

He was also the reason why, Yua and her mother had been forced to relocate back to Thailand.

Despite the number of people seated at the dinner table, the cutleries barely made any sound against the plates, and no one spoke unless questioned by her grandfather.

"I heard the shareholders were not happy with today's meeting."

Yua internally grimaced as her uncle abruptly scratched his fork against his dinner plate.

"Ah yes, regarding that," her uncle coughed to clear his throat, "it's a minor issue. Some of the shareholders were not satisfied with the findings from our research and development team. But don't worry khun phaw, I can handle it."

Wanit Itthiwatkam was man in his late thirties. His physical appearance might be slightly pleasing but whatever good points he racked up was instantly lost to his nervous tics that always showed up in front of his father.

"Phawww," a headache inducing nasal tone that could only belong to her Aunt Emon continued, "You don't know how hard Wanit has been working. He stays up late every night because he is so busy with this project." The slick smile on her face could give an ex-con a run for his money. While praising her husband and coaxing her father-in-law, she didn't forget to emphasise how he himself had especially tasked his son to direct this business deal.

The patriarch barked, "What's the point of staying up late if you can't even convince a minor group of shareholders!"

Despite not being involved in his family business anymore, Udomsak was aware of every little news that ran amok in his empire. If he didn't, he wouldn't be worthy of the Itthiwatkam name.


At the mention of her name, Yua put her spoon down and gently dabbed the edges of her mouth with napkin to dust off non-existent remnants of her dinner.

"You tell me," her grandfather put her on the spot.

"With our latest development of electric vehicles, some of the shareholders are discontent with how car companies only talk about the EV's mileage, but not about the 100 kilometres of electricity consumption."

"What do you think about this?"

Wanit and Emon both glanced at her.

"Phaw, Yua's only a highschooler. What would she know about business?", her aunt jabbed with a sheepish smile. Emon was not happy her husband was being insulted in front of his sister and niece. If she was trying to give Yua a way out, what was with her weird tone?

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