XXVI. The Strongest Witch Of Her Generation

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LYRA ENDED UP RIDING WITH ROSALIE AND EDWARD wanting to be there at the hospital to see what Carlisle thinks about this. Jasper was hesitant to leave her like she was but Rosalie promised to watch out for her.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Rosalie asked in an angered and worried voice.

Edward gave her a look, "I thought I saved her life."

"You did," Lyra nods, "but... If the Volturi finds out what you just did-"

They pull into the hospital.

"We can continue this with Carlisle," Edward jumps out.

Rosalie and Edward go to find Carlisle as Lyra snuck away.

She wanted to see if Bella was okay.

She found her in the ER.

"Bells," Lyra ran over as Bella and her father looked over, "hello Chief Swan," she greets Charlie, "I'm Lyra Cullen-"

"Previously Foxx," Charlie nods, "I knew your mother. She was a good woman."

"She was..." Lyra looked at Bella, "hey, are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah," Bella stutters as she is unsure of so many things, "I'm fine... If it wasn't for Edward-"

"Edward?" Charlie asked.

Lyra's smile falters as she nods, "yeah... You were lucky."

That's when Carlisle walks in, Lyra turns to her father as he spoke up, "I heard the Chief's daughter was here."

"Ah, Doctor Cullen," Charlie greets.

He walks over as he looks at Lyra, "Lyra, what are you-"

"She's a visitor," Bella covers for her, "and a friend."

Lyra smiles and nods.

"Okay, well, Isabella-"


"Bella," Carlisle smiles, "looks like you took quite the spill, how do you feel?"

"Good," Bella says.

He checks her vitals before saying, "you might experience some post-traumatic stress or disorientation, but your vitals look good. No signs of any head trauma. I think you'll be just fine."

"I'm so sorry, Bella," Tyler behind her tries saying as Lyra looks over at him, realizing he's the cause of the accident, "I'm really-"

"Excuse me but kindly stop talking, Tyler, you're whole life is trash," Lyra smiles at him as she closes the curtain.

Bella laughs at that, "you didn't have to-"

"Oh please, I totally did," Lyra laughs.

"Lyra, please, remember your manners," Carlisle reminds her.

"Yes, dad," Lyra nods not meaning to call him dad... As she realized she did, she looks at them who were all giving their own look. But went back to Bella quickly as Lyra looked downward, she just called Carlisle her dad... Shit.

"You know, it would've been a whole lot worse if Edward wasn't there," Bella suddenly says.

Carlisle tries to avoid eye contact as Lyra glances away. 

"He knocked me out of the way."

"Edward? Your boy?"

"Yeah, it was amazing," Bella shook her head, "he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me."

"Adrenaline rush, very common," Lyra shrugs trying to think of an idea.

"Sounds like you were very lucky," Carlisle covers as he looks at her, "Charlie," he nods at the Chief, "Lyra, can I speak to you out in the hall?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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