XX. True Feelings

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XAVIER WAS IN SHOCK, theorizing about it is one thing, but it actually happening is another.

"You've felt it too," Jane told him, "I know you have."

"Listen... I'm not-"

"No," Jane grabbed his arm tightly, "don't go."

She sounded sincere as he got confused, "are you showing emotion right now?" She recoiled as she turned from him, "sorry- I'm sorry, it's just you and your brother have been creep emotionless vamp one and two," he always never knew when to shut up when his life was on the line, "but you're suddenly showing emotion... And I am just sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

Jane shook her head, "who do you think you are?" She asked her personality taking a flip.

"Me?" Xavier stepped up, "from where I'm standing, you're the one who kept showing up in my life without order."

"I... Sorry..." Jane whispers, "I just don't know how to do... This..."

"What?" He asked.

"Humanity. I've been dead too long," Jane admits.

Xavier nods, "well I've only been dead a month, so I can't relate," he shrugs, "but you're doing well so far I mean... In my opinion. Are you, like, only allowed to be emotionless over there or something?"

Jane smiles, "things are better that way, best way to get up in life when a vampire is join us."

"How long have you been in the Volturi?" Xavier asked.

"Since I was turned," she told him, "Aro turned my brother and I himself."

"I mean... I don't have much going on," he smiles at her, "wanna tell me about that?"

She seemed hesitant but wanted to figure out this mate business so she nodded she told him their backstory and by the end Xavier was so intrigued he sat down listening intently.

Never has she felt heard like this... She's owed Aro her life for almost a millennia and she's been used as a weapon... A weapon doesn't get heard. Not that she hates it. It's her life.

"Fire, huh?" Xavier flicked his fingers, a flame catching, "does it still make you scared?"

"Nothing scares me," Jane said almost confidently as she sat next to him.

"Hmm," Xavier grins, "you know... You're nothing like how I imagined you'd be... You seemed mostly murderous when I met you."

"I did try to kill you," Jane points out.

"I know."

His smile made her smile as she actually smiled looking downward for a second, "Xavier...?"


"You need to come back to the Volturi with me."

Xavier stood up as he looks at her, "is that the real reason you're here?"

"No," Jane shook her head her red eyes looking at his honey-colored ones, "I want to try this... I think you do too. Come join the Volturi and we can be mates. I can show you how to be a vampire, not this foolish nonsense."

Xavier was in shock, unable to answer, he stuttered over his words...

"Could you give me some time?" He asked, "I don't want to make a spur-of-the-moment decision."

"Hmm," she nodded, "yes. You have 24 hours. I must get back to the Voltori by tomorrow's end. Either you are with me when I go or not. Oh, and Xavier," he looked at her, "do not tell anyone of this. If you do I'll make sure they die painful deaths."

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