III. Blood Sucker

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Scarlett looks upon the Cullen house.

She sighs, they don't look like they are going anywhere anytime soon, she walks up and knocks.

Almost immediately Jasper Hale answers the door, he heard her coming and decided to get the door before anyone else. 

"You must be one of Carlisle and Esme's children," Scarlett smiles at him, "I'm looking for them actually."

"Come in, please," he offers opening the door for the older Witch.

Scarlett walks in as she has this feeling, "you know one of my girls, don't you? Are you... Jasper?" She guesses thanks to intuition.

"Yes, Ma'am, Jasper Whitlock was my original name but I go by Hale now," he introduces himself formally.

Scarlett smiles at him when Carlisle comes walking down the staircase, "I overheard our witch neighbor come for a visit," he hugs her, "thank you, Jasper."

Jasper nods and walks away.

"What do I owe the visit, Scarlett?" Carlisle asked.

Scarlett sighs with a smile.

"YOU WANT OUR TWO CLANS TO MEET?" Carlisle asked as they stood in the kitchen with Esme.

"Are you sure your kids are ready?" Esme asked.

Scarlett nods, "if anything, they grow more curious with the bits of information I've been giving them," she explains.

"We shall have a dinner then," Esme decides as Carlisle smiles at his wife, "gives us an excuse to use the kitchen."

Scarlett smiles and nods, "that sounds amazing."

LYRA LAID IN THE GRASS, the wind blowing and talking to her, she smiles at the sky and then she heard footsteps.

Lyra sat up, "Jasper, you've got to stop doing that."

"My apologies," Jasper told her, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay after La Push."

Lyra shrugs, "it was fine..."

"You're anxious, why?" Jasper asked.

"I'm fine, Jasper," Lyra stood turning, "thank you though-"

Jasper then grabbed her arm, "wait, I know, I shouldn't get in your emotions without permission, I just... Worry about you."

"Why? Is it a vampire-witch thing?" Lyra asked doubtfully.

Jasper shook his head, "no... It's different."

"How so?"

"It's different with you."

Lyra's gaze looked at him again before nodding, "okay... Well, I was thinking about the whole... Vampire's thinking we taste like candy thing."

"Oh," Jasper laughs, "it's not that big of a deal."

"No? So you never tasted a witch?" Lyra asked before realizing how weird that question was, "oh god, I'm sorry, that was weird."

"No, it's quite alright," Jasper smirks, "you're fine, Lyra, really. I have not ever inquired the blood of a witch and I am happy for that fact."

"Why? If we are the sweetest blood-"

"Are you trying to get bit?"

Jasper asked crossing his arms, his smirk still on his face, she just shook her head, "no, just trying to figure out why you worry about a witch of all people."

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