XVII. Newborn

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JASPER HELD LYRA CLOSE as Xavier just looked around at everyone and everything...

Everything was heightened, every sense, every atom in his body was different. He had to make sure though...

He put out his hand and flames spark at his fingertips.

"Good... I'm still a Warlock..." Xavier trails off.

"Yeah, dude, I don't know if you count as one of those anymore," Lyra told him.

Xavier turns his red eyes to Carlisle, "what did you do to me?"

"I did this, Xavier," Lyra admitted.

"I told her the spell," Carlisle covered for her.

Xavier then looked around, "what is that?"

"What is it?"

"That smell..."

"Blood, he smells blood," Edward says walking in nonchalantly, "anyone want to explain what is going on?"

"I concur," comments Emmett, "this is weird, even for us."

"I could guess with the red eyes and vampire-like appearance," Rosalie says tilting her head, "if it wasn't supposed to be impossible."

Esme walks over grabbing Carlisle's hand, "did you turn him?"

"Technically Jane did," Alice told them.


"Yeah, she and Alec visited..."

"They are creepy as all hell," Ariana admits.

"I need to... I need to feed," Xavier pretty much growls, "don't I?"

"You do," Carlisle nods, "I can take you, and teach you how to do it without hurting anyone."

"Be a veggie vamp?" Xavier asked making them nod, "great... But considering everything heightened as fuck right now and I can't stop focusing on the people with heartbeats... Probably a good idea to go hunting."

"SO I JUST RUN?" Xavier asked Carlisle.

"It happens naturally," Carlisle explains, "just run and the vampire speed kicks in."

Xavier nods, "okay, I got this."

Edward watches them with an amused look on his face.

"It's not that hard, Xavier," Carlisle chuckles a bit.

Xavier nods, "I know, I just..." He shook his head before running and he begins to speed up the mountain.

Carlisle and Edward watched this, "he may be able to beat you at the fastest record," Carlisle comments before running after him.

"Please," Edward did not think so.








So many problems all at once... And her head was already screaming at her... She just shook her head, "fuck..." She touched her head as she felt the darkness trying to actually swallow her this time.


Jasper was there at a second's notice, he touched her thigh, "you with me?"

"No... I'm not with you," Lyra hisses standing up, "what am I saying?" She shook her head confused by her sudden actions, she'd never treat Jasper like that... "What is wrong with me?"

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