XI. Family Reunion

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Lyra takes a panicky breath as she stares at her home... It didn't feel like home anymore, well, her family will always be home. But a physical place would be the Cullen's residence.

"It's going to be okay," Jasper reassures taking her hand.

Alice nods, "trust us, and if anything goes wrong, we have your back!"

"What she said," Jasper agrees.

Lyra smiles and nods, "let's do this."

Ariana was chasing a running off spell that was supposed to be a festive joke. Aka she made a gingerman come to life.

She keeps teleporting to the next place she senses her spell went.

Niko sat in the living room with two reservation kids playing video games. Quil and Embry, neither of them have turned yet, which made things easier in their lives.

And Xavier was ranting about something to Ariana from the kitchen counter because to be honest the whole alive gingerman freaks him out. It reminded him of some horror movie he keeps going on about.

Scarlett was in the backyard when the jeep pulled up, she smiled widely, "Lyra..."

Lyra got out as Scarlett ran over, "Scarlett!" She runs over and hugs her tightly, "I am so sorry for how I treated you... I just... I don't know how to apologize more profusely, because I could have destroyed our whole coven."

"But you didn't," Scarlett smiles proudly at her, "that takes self-control, self will," Lyra smiles knowingly at Jasper who came over and took her hand once she looked at him, "I heard you fought to help her the most besides Carlisle," she comments.

"I did, and I would again," Jasper told her.

"We all would," Alice said walking over, "hello Scarlett," she hugged her, "oh I've been over a lot to see Ariana-"

"Yeah, we get it, Alice," Lyra smirks amused, "you're in love with Ariana."

"I- I am not going to answer that," Alice shakes her off.

"Good thing it wasn't a question," Lyra steps up holding Jasper's hand, "let's go inside."

They go inside as a ginger-bread man runs across them!

"What...?" Jasper whispers.

Alice just blinks, "was that a-"

"Everything seems about normal," Lyra shrugs.

Ariana suddenly teleports in front of them, "WHERE DID IT GO?!"

"That way," Lyra points.

"Thanks, man, I've been chasing this thing for hours," Ariana didn't realize who just spoke to her until she turned.

Her eyes widen, "Ly- Lyra?"

"Hey Ari," Lyra smiles softly.

Ariana pulls her into a hug!

That's when there was a screech from the kitchen.

"And that's Xav-"



Lyra walks to the kitchen as Xavier was freaking out of a living gingerbread man.

She just tilts her head at the cute gingerbread man, before setting it on fire!

All Ariana, Alice, and Jasper just looked at her in shock.

"Don't worry, Xav, I got it," Lyra told him.

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