11- I Forgive You

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I had managed to overtake Carlos at the last minute, securing fifth place in the race. Personally, it felt like a solid result for the weekend, and I was greeted by my father in the pits, congratulating me on my drive. Logan and his teammate, Alex Albon, were quick to offer their congratulations as well. The three of us walked out together, discussing the upcoming party.

Alex seemed the most excited, having attended the party before. He eagerly described the wild atmosphere and the crowded scenes. "I'm taken, so I won't be focusing on any of that," he joked, "but there are plenty of pretty girls."

"I'll keep that in mind," I replied with a grin, considering whether to attend the party.

Arriving at my hotel room, I took a quick shower and began choosing a set of pajamas, feeling too exhausted to attend the party. Just as I was about to change, there was a knock on my door. Initially, I ignored it, thinking it could wait, but the knocking persisted, becoming more urgent.

"Give me a second, I'm changing," I called out, assuming it was someone who could wait.

"It's urgent! QUICK!" came the reply from the other side.

Confused by the urgency, I hastily wrapped a towel around my waist and rushed to the door, opening it to find Alex and Logan standing there. Startled by their unexpected presence, I accidentally let my towel slip from my grip, leaving me standing there completely naked.

It was nothing but a second before I grabbed the towel from the floor and wrapped it tightly around my waist again, but it seemed like it was enough for both Alex and Logan to catch a glimpse of what I had between my legs.

"I think Pierre Gasly's nickname of tripod has a strong contestant," Alex teased playfully.

My face flushed red with embarrassment, and it seemed like Logan's cheeks mirrored mine in their crimson hue, as if he had been the one inadvertently exposed.

"Anyways, save that for the girls at the party!" Alex said, pushing himself inside. "C'mon, get dressed, let's go."

"I... I don't think I'm going," I said, following the two of them inside.

"Don't be lame!" Alex urged.

"Yeah," Logan chuckled in agreement.

"I can't promise I'll enjoy it," I replied, rummaging through my luggage to find something suitable for the party.

"Trust me, it'll be worth it," Alex reassured, settling onto my bed.

Feeling pressured, I hastily dressed in whatever clothes I could find, and soon we were heading out of my room. "Do you have anything that isn't merch?" Alex teased, eyeing my attire.

"It's not merch, it's just an orange shirt," I chuckled in response.

"You wore the one thing you have that isn't merch, and it's an orange shirt? Seriously?" Alex teased, his laughter filling the corridor.

Arriving at the party, I couldn't help but notice the crowded room. It was packed with Ferrari and McLaren team members, creating a hub for Formula One personnel, and of course, plenty of girls.

But no signs of Lando Norris.

Deciding to enjoy the party, I started on the drinks with Logan and Alex. We downed drinks we didn't even know the name of and local drinks that had a funny taste to them, the only thing they all seemed to have in common is that the more I drank the more dizzy I felt, easily affected by the alcohol.

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