9- Fool

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Luck, some would have claimed it. But that weekend, the one who emerged victorious was once again Charles. While some may attribute his success to luck, I believed it was more of an improvement in his team's strategy. However, Lando didn't seem to share my perspective. Every time we crossed paths after the race, he appeared annoyed at the results, especially because, as I observed, Carlos was one of the people Charles was sharing his podium with.

"He is definitely cheating," Lando asserted once we got into the car that would take us back to our hotel.

"I don't think he is," I shrugged, gazing out of the window.

"He clearly is!" Lando insisted, trying to grab my attention. "It's really convenient that he started doing well just as he started having an affair... at high places."

"Maybe Ferrari just had an improvement in their strategy," I debated.

"That's bullshit, he is definitely getting insights from Red Bull," Lando frowned.

I rolled my eyes, growing annoyed at his insistence on discrediting Charles's victories. "Why do you care so much about Charles? It's not like we are fighting him for this championship anyways. If he is truly doing something wrong, people will find out eventually."

"Because it's unfair!" Lando insisted, frustration evident in his voice. "He doesn't get to have all this just because... I don't get it, he is not that much better than me, he is not..." His words trailed off, and I sensed a weight in his voice, as if he was on the verge of crumbling.

It was a familiar pattern. I'd engage with Lando, he'd say something that grated on my nerves, I'd push back, and he'd end up with tears in his eyes. As much as I'd like to blame myself for causing this reaction on him, it seemed like he had a much deeper turmoil within that was just easily triggered by any type of pressure.

The distance between us was palpable, lingering like an unspoken barrier. As we reached the hotel, we both headed silently to our respective rooms without much of a word said. It was clear that there were no words that could truly mend what had been broken between us. Lando was engulfed in his own personal storm, unable to see past the turmoil that consumed him. Caught up in his own bubble of emotions, he remained oblivious to the distance that had grown between us.

Further through that night, I was called to attention by a knock at my door, which I immediately assumed was Lando. Walking to pick up the door, I braced myself for the words I'd speak to him, to immediately reject whatever advances he had planned. However, I was surprised when I opened the door, facing none other than Carlos Sainz standing in front of me.

''Carlos?'' I said, perplexed.

"Hey," Carlos said, his usual casual tone of voice filling the room. "I was at Lando's but he's taking too long to bring us some booze, so I thought, why not pay the next-door neighbor a visit?"

I didn't want him here. What was he doing invading my space?

Without waiting for my response, Carlos made himself at home, barging in and locking the door behind him. Hadn't anyone taught him manners? I never gave him permission to enter.

Struggling to contain my annoyance, I closed the door and turned to face him as he began to explore my room. "Lando told me you guys hooked up," he pointed out, his tone casual.

Of course he did.

"Was it your first time?" Carlos asked, picking up a notebook with my strategy notes. "With a guy, I mean."

I felt my irritation rise, my blood boiling as I watched him grab my notebook. "That's private," I said, my voice sharp with anger, striding forward to snatch the notebook from his grasp.

As I approached him, he closed the space between us, trapping me against the table. I instinctively leaned back, putting as much distance between us as possible.

"Do you want to join us tonight?" he whispered, his face uncomfortably close to mine. With each inch he leaned in, I leaned further back, trying to create as much space as I could between us.

"No," I frowned, my patience wearing thin.

"Do you prefer it with just one person? We can do it, you and me, before he comes back," he insisted, his tone suggestive.

Suddenly, I pushed him away, breaking free from the trap he had ensnared me in. I stepped back, putting even more distance between us, keeping a wary eye on him. Speechless, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Was Carlos really trying to sleep with me?

"Don't worry about Lando, he wouldn't mind," Carlos tried to reassure me.

I furrowed my eyebrows in disagreement. I knew he would mind. If Lando harbored such animosity towards Charles for just an attempt from Carlos, I could only imagine his reaction if Carlos and I actually did anything. And, most importantly, just the thought of getting intimate with Carlos disgusted me.

Carlos stepped closer to me again, reaching for my waist. I dodged his touch, my face not filtering out my expression of hatred at that moment.

"Lando told me you're shy, you don't have to be with me," he said, his tone almost pleading.

"I'm not fucking shy, I just don't want to sleep with you," I retorted, my frustration boiling over. "Why the fuck are you doing this? You know Lando likes you."

"Me and Lando are not in a relationship, we just hook up sometimes," he contested, finally relenting in his advances.

"You don't like him?" I raised an eyebrow, studying him carefully.

"Like him? Yeah, of course, he's one of my favorite people in Formula One," he nodded.

"I mean, romantically," I clarified, my tone firm.

He laughed, "What?"

I didn't flinch, my expression unwavering as it took him a moment to realize I wasn't joking.

"I'm not gay," he said.

"Yeah, you're fucking stupid," I snapped, my irritation reaching its peak.

"What? Do I have to like men romantically in order to have fun? That's outdated," he retorted defensively.

"Leave him alone," I defended Lando.

"I don't think he wants to be left alone," Carlos shrugged. "He likes to have fun with me, and you, and whoever, I don't know. You'd be surprised, Lando goes around more than I do. I think you got him wrong."

"I don't think you've ever stopped to really look at him," I sighed, exasperated.

"I have, I always do. I've known him for longer than you have," he debated again.

"You had so much time, yet it seems like I see him for who he truly is and you don't. You wasted your time with him looking at yourself," I retorted.

"Whatever... You don't want to have fun. I'm going to go now," he said, turning to leave.

With a frustrated exhale, I watched Carlos leave, feeling a mix of anger and disappointment swirling within me. It was disheartening to witness someone who Lando seemed to care for deeply, disregarding him as nothing more than a friend. If Lando were to find out about what transpired in my room, would he even truly let go of Carlos, or would he simply decide to forgive him again? It was a question I wasn't willing to find out the answer to. I was too scared of being hated by Lando, of being seen as an enemy to him, so I stayed quiet.


Treat because I managed to cook a new chapter for patreon!

chapter 10 and 11 currently up and running there!

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