3- Law of Attraction

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That night Lando left the room as if his sole purpose from the very start was to achieve what he did not in our previous party encounter. Yet, what seemed to have been just an experience from his part left me contemplating the moment in shock for over half an hour on the bed.
Barely believing what had just happened, I looked to the clean white ceiling as I succumbed to the newfound knowledge that I had indeed enjoyed receiving a blowjob from Lando Norris, which meant that maybe I did in fact like men like Lando had inquired. Or maybe I didn't have any specific gender of preference, the truth being that I simply liked Lando Norris.

The next day, I felt anxiety crawl up my stomach at the thought I'd have to face my teammate again after what had happened. I didn't really know what it meant, I didn't know how we would carry on after that. The thought of it all frightened me in a way, but upon catching a glimpse of him standing by the entrance of the hospitality home of Mclaren I realized that all my feelings of anxiety faded away. The charismatic smile on his face once he spotted me was genuine and it sent my heart beating faster against my chest, fluttering prompted like a school crush.

"Osc!" he called for me, "Did you sleep well?" he asked me as I approached him.
I tried to be subtle with my expressions, trying to not give away the cards in our hands as he walked through the entrance, "Good," I replied blandly, the corner of my lips stretching into a conservative smile.

"Your dad is here," he mumbled to me, my sight immediately landing across the room, finding Mark and one of his friends sitting on one of the tables.

Initially ignoring his presence, I led the way to the breakfast buffet, Lando following closely behind me like a shadow. "Did he give you any tips about this track?" he whispered to me, picking the same breakfast as usual.

"I guess he mentioned a few tricks before, but nothing big," I said, picking assorted fruits and yogurt to start off my day.
"What was it?" He whispered back to me, his eyes scanning the area around us to make sure no one was listening in, "I'll pay up for it like I did yesterday."

I felt the airs of my arms raise at the mention of the previous night, my mind sending me reminders of the pleasure I had felt, the sensation as fresh to his memory as if it had been just an hour ago. There, I considered giving him some insight in what I knew, even if the information wasn't too useful, my body urged me to do anything to have his mouth around me again — blind hunger.

"I'll tell you later," I mumbled to him, maintaining a poker face amidst the sensations that flooded my mind.

"Take your time, Osc," he shrugged, smiling, a smile that showed his teeth.

We parted ways when Oscar headed to one of the tables where his mechanics were sitting and I headed to the one where Mark had taken a seat.

"Hey kid," Mark greeted me as I took my seat, setting the plate onto the table, "Excited for today?"

"I guess," I shrugged, smiling at him.

"I used to always do so well on this track," he said, "I have two wins here and a few other podiums, it's a nice track."

"I know," I nodded, chewing onto the apple I had taken a bite out of, "I got a good position on quali yesterday, I'll try and see if I can grasp a podium today."

"You can do it," he nodded, leaning onto the table, "Don't listen if they tell you to give way for Lando."

I nodded silently, knowing that even if I didn't enjoy the idea, due to my competitive nature, I'd still consider giving Lando the space to take my position if it came to the team requesting it. I wasn't going to fight an unnecessary battle against my own teammate, specifically not Lando.

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