"I saw that. Thank you."

"Do I need to sign that too?" Doyle asked.

"You are an HPG employee, so you should. Everyone in this room knows exactly where your loyalties stand, but legally, yes, you need to sign it. Logan too. And I have your new NDAs for the board, in my hand. Who wants them?" Collin asked, pulling a manila envelope out of his brief case.

"I'll take those to the board room and tell everyone that they need to sign them before the meeting starts."

"Thanks Doyle." Rory spoke up.

"Works for me." Collin agreed as Doyle left the room, before he looked toward his best friend who sat typing away in front the computer. "So what is the new Collin abuse that you seem to think I am going to let you by with? Because my rates are about to sky rocket with all the drama you've thrown at me today."

"What drama?" Rory asked.

"Well, for starters, I had to be on hand when a certain whore was arrested for trespassing on HPG property, after all of her things had been removed from her former apartment."

"Wait, Walker was arrested?"

"Yep !And you are now paying for the moving company that had to haul all of the crap out of the hallway, and is now storing it because said bimbo is incarcerated."

"You could have just left it all there, you know." Logan told him.

"I could have, but this is New York. It all would have been gone within an hour, and she would have tried to sue you for all of it. I figured it was safer to just have the moving company that was already on hand to remove the crap from the apartment, take it to their storage location until we determine what to do with all of it. By the way, some of that furniture looks pretty fancy. Do you think any of it belongs to HPG?"

"I don't care about the furniture. As far as I'm concerned, Walker can have all of it, as long as she stays off my property." Rory commented.

"She'll be locked up until at least tomorrow, possibly Wednesday. She needs to wait for a judge to either approve bail, or release her on a promise to appear."

"Any idea which judge she'll get?" Logan asked.

"No idea. Trespassing makes the case criminal, so it's up in the air. Vanderbilt only handles Civil cases."

"Have you told him about it?"

"I did. He chuckled, and said that someone should probably call her father."

"Not my problem! That is her phone call to make."

"We should probably let Honor know about it." Rory suggested.

"I texted her right after it happened. She responded with, and I quote 'what kind of cookies do you think I should take to the sheriff's department as a thank you for dealing with her?' Your sister is currently my favorite person."

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