"Faith alone cannot stop evil." Emma huffed.

It took nearly an hour debating with Emma and my younger descendants not to pursue and hunt this beast at night. Especially Richter, who was itching to test his meddle on traditional beast slaying. I'm ashamed to say I argued back with the divine command in my voice, stating this monster, whatever it may have been, was beyond his expertise. In fact, it was beyond, any Belmont's expertise for the past three hundred years. Such monsters barely walked this world anymore.

The hours were spent keeping watch and killing time. Peter kept to himself, sitting in the living room praying for the safety of all Machecoul and the coming of a St. Martha (or Malakh) to stop the dragon in its tracks. I couldn't shake the feeling of a lost memory trying to resurface, nor could I sit and brood about it knowing I could do something about the situation at hand.

I made sure everyone was fast asleep before I stepped out. The night grew old though my family was on high alert, sleep overcame them all. Perhaps the night watch made them weary, perhaps it was a dash of a sleeping spell, perhaps a little bit of both. Either way, nobody saw me sneak out of the house.

I silently tread through the forest, concealed by my dark hooded cloak and holding my staff. I thought I had gone unnoticed until I heard footsteps following behind, mimicking my steps and pausing as I paused. I stopped, closing my eyes and breathing in the air. "Go home, Maria. It's not safe out here."

The bushes rustled and the teenage girl stepped out. "I can say the same to you." Maria said defiantly. On one shoulder perched a phoenix familiar, on the other, a large golden falcon. "Why did you sneak off? Think you can face the dragon alone?"

"Because I didn't want anyone following me, and in fact I can." I crossed my arms, glaring at the falcon. "Emmaline Lisa what the hell are you doing?"

The falcon turned her head and preened her feathers.

"You know that's her!?"Maria exclaimed.

"Course I do! I know my daughter and her shape shifting abilities." I narrowed my eyes. You should've kept asleep."

The falcon ruffled her feathers and cawed. Did you forget I'm immune to spells? That's from your side of the family.' She flexed her wing behind Maria's head. Apparently this one inherited some resistance and snuck out to follow you. So I pursued to keep her out of trouble.

"But why are you a falcon?"

Stealth. The bird blinked. But Maria caught wind of me. Smart girl.

I rolled my eyes. "You should have stopped her."

I did, but try diverting one of your relatives when they've an idea set in their minds. Like trying to stop an avalanche. That's also from you, by the way.

I shrugged angrily gripping my staff. "You two, beat it."

"I'm not leaving." Maria defied my divine command. "I brought this creature here, it's my responsibility to stop it from causing further harm."

"Maria, you have no idea what this thing is."

"And you do?" Maria crossed her arms.

"Not exactly, but I know how to deal with them. I've been around for many ages, and I've seen things neither of you can imagine." I propped up my staff and sighed. Even if I yelled at them, chased them off, or commanded them to leave with my divine voice, they'd still follow like persistent ducklings. 

My own damn fault, their stubbornness is apparently hereditary. "You may come with me, if you're both so insistent, but I need you to listen to what I tell you, and I need you to trust me. Understood?"

Castlevania Nocturne: A Guardian's Tale (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now