The Provincial Life

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I never planned on becoming the town doctor, it just kinda happened that way.

It really began when I saved the deputy's leg from being amputated in a riding accident. I ended up setting the bones with the medical supply and equipment I had the sense to bring with me from Wallachia. A good dose of antibiotic set him on the right road to recovery. He walks fine now save for a small hitch in his step.

Next thing the seamstress came in with her  young son  who stumbled and cut himself from chasing rabbits with his friends. A good bandage and antiseptic did the trick. She tried to pay me more than she could make but I politely rejected. "Your son's healing is a payment enough."

"Bless you Amalie." She said tearfully.

Then one of the Abbey's priests came in with a chronic cough. He told me it flared up during the changing of the seasons, coughing so harshly he could not breathe and his chest hurt. I gave him medicine for his allergies, and he never had bad flare ups after that. Every season he'd come to me for medicine to treat his seasonal allergies. His name was Peter and we've been friends ever since.

Word spread faster than wildfire after that. Soon people flocked to me from all over town asking me to cure their colds, stitch their wounds, and everything in between. I never intended on becoming the town's doctor, but what the hell. Why not? Angels are supposed to help humans after all.

You wouldn't know it by looking at me. You'd think I was a pretty face with a surprisingly sharp mind, but I am more than you could ever imagine. I'm a Mal'akh, a Celestial Messenger,  a helper of all humanity and a damn good doctor.

I am proud of who I am, but that wasn't always the case. Not because of self doubt or a poor self image, but because I lost my memory long ago and regained it through an incredible journey of love and friendship.

That's another story. All you need to know is I've walked this Earth for many years. I've seen many things and helped countless people. I've had many names.  I have loved, lost, and loved again. I've had children who've gone on to make incredible stories, and I have guided them every step of the way.

To the people of Machecoul, however,  I am simply Amalie, the town doctor.

Well......98% of the people. Tera knows me... and the other...

That's where my current story begins.

The day began as any other. I woken an hour after the rooster's crow, and prepared myself for the day's activities. Right as I set up shop , there came a sharp knocking at the door.

"This early?" I wondered. "I really  should set hours." I straightened out my peasant dress and apron, and answered the door. "Bonjour, how may I help you?" I covered my mouth with a gasp. Oh dear Lord again?

"Good Morning, Zaharial." Juste Belmont  clenched his bloodied shoulder. He'd been beaten up pretty badly, with multiple lacerations across his body  and bruises on his chest.

"What the hell Juste, this early!? What do I always say about looking for trouble?" I scolded the graying old man as if he were my rebellious teenage son.

"Trouble will end up finding you." He grimaced. "But this time I've stopped it from finding you, angel. You have  a vampire skulking around your house."

"I figured." I sighed, helping him in. "I heard something creeping  outside last night and checked  a few times. I didn't find anything, even with my staff. I put up a deterring ward around my house afterward and haven't had any issues so far."

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