The Malbeast.

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Against protests from Richter and Maria, I hurried everyone back into my house, strengthening the surrounding ward tenfold and expanding the barrier to the forest. Nothing, save for Vance, was getting through tonight.

"You shouldn't exert your magic this far." Emma warned concerned when I sat exhausted. "Who knows if you'll need your strength tonight."

"I'll be fine, Bee." I sighed, kindly stroking a lock of her hair. "Thank you." Emma only nodded before locking the door and windows.

We all kept together in the living room with the hearth crackling and my family spread out with blankets (and a few weapons at their side). Peter sat with us, his cough subsided and as he settled in, he asked us to join him in prayer. (Couldn't hurt. We all chimed in an 'amen.)

"It doesn't feel right." Emma growled, curled on the couch like a giant lioness, flexing her claws with her sword at her feet. "That we should be sheltering here while the knights risk their lives guarding the town. I have no fondness of the Abbot's personal soldiers ." She flicked her eyes at Peter. "No offense."

"None taken at all, my dear." Peter replied.

"But they don't deserve a brutal mauling if that thing decides to show up." Emma continued.

"I agree." Richter gripped the hilt of his whip ready to spring up. Apparently he regained his bravery. "We should be hunting it down, not hiding like defenseless villagers."

"Simmer down Belmont." I warned. "You shouldn't be in a rush to get maimed. Like I said before, this creature is beyond you."

"Perhaps this creature is beyond all of us." Peter said wistfully. "And only the divine guide of the Almighty can vanquish it." I saw a twinkle in his eye. "Like in the old legend from Provence."

"What legend?" Maria asked, huddled next to her mother.

Peter settled in, if there was one thing he loved more than praying and devotion to the Boss above, it was storytelling and folklore. "Centuries ago, the southeast region of France was besieged by a terrible monster. The Tarasque, a draconic menace wreathing death and destruction wherever it went, burning crops and devouring villagers. None could defeat it, and many brave knights fell to its jaws. It seemed there was no hope, until one day, a blessed maiden charmed and tamed the monster, leading it into town like a trained dog. Though the Tarasque became docile and no longer a threat, the villagers slew it in anger. The town still bears its name today."

"Poor beast." Emma murmured. "I've never heard that story. Who was the brave maiden that tamed it?"

"There are many variations." Peter replied. "Some say it was St. Martha herself, while others claim it was Zaharial, the last Watcher and the supposed Matriarch of the Belmont clan." He turned an intrigued eye toward Richter.

I gripped my old walking stick, silent. I could see Tera and Emma resisting to turn their heads at me.


I don't remember. If the legend is true, it must've happened before I met your father.

I understand.

"Don't expect me to be a dragon tamer." Richter stretched. "My family hunted monsters, not turning them into docile pets. Besides, Zaharial's just a legend like the Tarasque."

I heard a low growl from Emma, but kept myself from laughing.

"Ah but every legend holds a kernel of truth." The priest chuckled. "The Abbot certainly believes, he has a relic of her. A great talon she hewed in atonement."

I curled my toes on my right foot.

"Regardless, faith is a powerful tool that can subdue the greatest evils, and I certainly believe all will be well."

Castlevania Nocturne: A Guardian's Tale (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now